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you don't know countryside
送交者: bagota 2009月01月21日19:35:20 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 饿死三千多万人竟是一个如此低劣的谎言雷神 于 2009-01-21 07:13:10
In Anhui, about 10 million peasants died between 1959-1961. In the village I was born, over a hundred died of hunger. It was a village of about 300 people, about 1/3 of the population died out. The people died are mostly elderly and children, the youth (20-40yrs) were organized into some "professional groups" and had better access to food. Our village is not the worst. There was a village, about 1 kilometers away, about 60 people in size. Everybody died. So the village no longer exists today.

After a person died, he/she will be buried by his/her fellow villages. One of my uncles was in charge of this, together with another person in the same village. For every dead person they buried, he was paid 0.5 kilogram of rice. Bury a dead body was a very demanding task to him, as his body was weak as well, and a big hole has to be dug on the ground. Every village has traditional bury ground. Most of the graves can be identified for each dead person.

The guy who wrote this article has no knowledge of country side. He is blind by his personal believes.
He should read some of the literatures here, written by serious investigators in the field.
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