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John 14 1 plain and simple
送交者: AC20169 2018月08月17日00:11:19 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Jesus prays in Oneness, notAC20169 于 2018-08-16 23:38:39

Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me.

How do you explain John 14 1? It is clearly Jesus differentiate himself from God. Or he would not say

Believe also in me. 

Of course there is only one true God who gave his

Only begotten son  Jesus Christ for our salvation. 

Plain and simple.

Don't use Better not use Chinese word SHEN which

Could be misleading.

I never judge whether you are Christian or not. I am just simply sharing my understanding , confusion and research. You stupid trash who couldn't stop judging me.

Stupid trash.

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      再问一遍。。。。。 - 括号 08/17/18 (438)
        No. YHWH is God. - AC20169 08/17/18 (470)
          John 17 3 - AC20169 08/17/18 (440)
            Let - AC20169 08/17/18 (411)
  It is all about the Scripture, - AC20169 08/17/18 (415)
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