满城尽是楚怀王 - 历史竟是如此惊人的相似! |
送交者: 金无明 2022月08月17日10:49:25 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 删去 由 金无明 于 2022-08-17 10:45:20 |
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: leeliang <leeliang@usa.net>To:Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 11:33:40 AM CDTSubject: 历史竟是如此惊人的相似! Re: 满城尽是楚怀王 Re: 日寇投降77周年录屈原《招魂》一首以为纪念 大家看: 秦 – 帝国 张仪 - Kissinger 之流 楚怀王 – 习近平 子兰 - 王毅,秦刚之流 齐 - 俄罗斯普京等 怀王入秦 - 拜习会 历史竟是如此惊人的相似! 待到秋来帝花开,帝花开后百花杀; 冲天血气浸北京,满城尽是楚怀王。 李良 屈原 .........................楚懷王十六年(前313年),為了破楚、齊聯盟,秦國派張儀帶了很多銀錢到楚國活動。張儀賄賂了楚國的一批權貴寵臣,又欺騙楚王說:「楚國如果能和齊國絕交,秦國願意獻出商、於一帶六百多里土地。[17]」利令智昏的楚懷王聽信了張儀的話,就把相印授予張儀,封張儀為相;貪圖六百里的商、於之地,真的和齊國斷絕了合縱之盟;還派人跟張儀去秦國受地。張儀回秦國後裝病,三個月不見楚使。懷王還以為是張儀怪他絕齊不夠堅決,又派人去辱罵齊王一通。齊王大怒,斷絕了和楚的合縱,反而和秦國聯合起來了。這時張儀才出面對楚使說:「您為什麼不接受土地呢?從某地到某地,長寬六里。[18]」六百里變成了六里,楚使很生氣,歸報懷王,懷王大怒,先後兩次興師伐秦,結果都被秦打敗,喪失八萬軍隊,大將軍屈匄、裨將軍逢侯丑等70餘人被秦軍俘虜,還被佔去漢中大片土地。 這時懷王稍有醒悟,「悔不用屈原之策」,於是復用屈原,讓他出使齊國,重修楚齊之盟。秦國兩次大敗楚軍之後,也怕齊、楚復交,於是主動提出退還漢中之地的一半以求和。楚懷王恨透了張儀,提出不要漢中地,只要張儀頭。秦惠王本不同意,張儀卻胸有成竹地說:「以我張儀一個人就能抵得上漢中的土地,臣願意到楚國去。[19]」張儀到楚以後,賄賂了鄭袖、靳尚之流,在楚懷王面前一番花言巧語之後,楚懷王又把張儀給放了,還和秦王結下了婚姻關係。等到屈原使齊回來,說明利害,懷王想追回張儀已來不及,楚國對齊國又一次失去信用。楚懷王二十四年(前305年),楚又一次背齊合秦,去秦迎親;第二年(前304年),懷王還與秦王會於黃棘(今河南新野縣東北)、接受了秦退還的上庸之地(今湖北竹山縣)。當時屈原雖竭力反對,結果不但無效,反而遭到了第一次流放,流放到了漢北地區(今安康一帶及漢水上游地區)...................
Learn from history ??????????? Or.................... Powell was born on February 4, 1953, in Washington, D.C., as one of six children to Patricia (née Hayden; 1926–2010)[16] and Jerome Powell (1921–2007),[17][18] a lawyer in private practice.[19] His maternal grandfather, James J. Hayden, was Dean of the Columbus School of Law at Catholic University of America and later a lecturer at Georgetown Law School.[20] He has five siblings: Susan, Matthew, Tia, Libby, and Monica.[21] In 1972, Powell graduated from Georgetown Preparatory School, a Jesuit university-preparatory school. He received a Bachelor of Arts in politics from Princeton University in 1975, where his senior thesis was titled "South Africa: Forces for Change".[22] In 1975–76, he spent a year as a legislative assistant to Republican Pennsylvania Senator Richard Schweiker.[23][24] Powell earned a Juris Doctor degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1979, where he was editor-in-chief of the Georgetown Law Journal.[25] Career[edit]Legal and investment banking[edit]In 1979, Powell moved to New York City and became a clerk to Judge Ellsworth Van Graafeiland of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. From 1981 to 1983, Powell was a lawyer with Davis Polk & Wardwell, and from 1983 to 1984, he worked at the firm of Werbel & McMillen.[24] From 1984 to 1990, Powell worked at Dillon, Read & Co., an investment bank, where he concentrated on financing, merchant banking, and mergers and acquisitions, rising to the position of vice president.[24][26] Between 1990 and 1993, Powell worked in the United States Department of the Treasury, at which time Nicholas F. Brady, the former chairman of Dillon, Read & Co., was the United States Secretary of the Treasury. In 1992, Powell became the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance after being nominated by George H. W. Bush.[24][26][23] During his stint at the Treasury, Powell oversaw the investigation and sanctioning of Salomon Brothers after one of its traders submitted false bids for a United States Treasury security.[27] Powell was also involved in the negotiations that made Warren Buffett the chairman of Salomon.[28] In 1993, Powell began working as a managing director for Bankers Trust. He left in 1995 after the bank faced upset when several wealth generating customers opted-in to derivatives as their higher-risk/higher-reward-or-loss investment choice and realized the downside risk of large losses. He then went back to work for Dillon, Read & Co.[26] From 1997 to 2005, Powell was a partner at The Carlyle Group(headquter in Alexandria, Virginia 2 miles from where I live), where he founded and led the Industrial Group within the Carlyle U.S. Buyout Fund.[25][29] After leaving Carlyle, Powell founded Severn Capital Partners, a private investment firm focused on specialty finance and opportunistic investments in the industrial sector.[30] In 2008, Powell became a managing partner of the Global Environment Fund, a private equity and venture capital firm that invests in sustainable energy.[30]
日寇投降77周年录屈原《招魂》一首以为纪念 李良书简 08-15-2022 今天是日本投降77周年,再次为三千万以上被日本鬼子杀害的中国军民追魂! “湛湛江水兮,上有枫。目极千里兮,伤春心。魂兮归来,哀江南!” 录屈原《招魂》一首如下,以为纪念: 招魂 屈原 朕幼清以廉洁兮,身服义而未沫。 魂兮归来!去君之恒干, 魂兮归来!东方不可以讬些。 魂兮归来!南方不可以止些。 魂兮归来!西方之害,流沙千里些。 魂兮归来!北方不可以止些。 魂兮归来!君无上天些。 魂兮归来!君无下此幽都些。 魂兮归来!入修门些。 魂兮归来!反故居些。 室家遂宗,食多方些。 乱曰: 献岁发春兮,汨吾南征。 |
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