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送交者: jingchen 2019年05月16日09:11:55 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話

On Churchill

Churchill "naturally had a lively sympathy for the underdog, particularly against the middle-dog, provided, and it was quite a big proviso, that his own position as a top-dog was unchallenged" (Jenkins, p. 180)

This best described Churchill’s life strategy. Churchill helped Soviet Union destroy Germany. By crushing a rising Germany, Churchill maintained his own monopoly of top dog position. By helping put hundreds of millions of people behind the iron curtain, Churchill conveniently prevented the majority of people in the world rising to challenge his top dog position.

Churchill’s legacy continues to today. Middle dogs are taxed heavily to subsidize under dogs while top dogs enjoy tax heavens. With the help of affirmative action, under dogs maul viciously against middle dogs on equal footing while top dogs enjoy their exclusive privileges. 

Churchill has become such an icon for the top dogs that "researching less popular episodes in Churchill's life[…] would either finish their careers, preclude them from promotion, or make them outcasts in academia." (Hirsch, 2018)


Hirsch, Afua (21 March 2018). "If you talk about Russian propaganda, remember: Britain has myths too". The Guardian. London

Jenkins, Roy (2001). Churchill. London: Macmillan

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