自掘坟墓-北京投降派的凯子外交将伊于胡底? |
送交者: 金无明 2023年02月02日08:13:26 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话 |
转载 ---- Forwarded Message ----- From:> To: ; om" <d Cc: B Sent: Thursday, February 2, 2023 at 09:44:06 AM CST Subject: 自掘坟墓-北京投降派的凯子外交将伊于胡底? Re: 大争之世没有永远的朋友也没有永远的敌人 Re: 寒梅:让老娘骂个痛快!
自掘坟墓-北京投降派的凯子外交将伊于胡底? 李良书简 02/02/2023 春天回暖了!正当北京的投降派满心欢喜地迎接布林肯到来“访问“之余,菲律宾与帝国却自豪地向世界宣布,他们将加速增强原有的五个在菲律宾的美军基地,并再於指定的“战略地点”增加四个的新的;一共九个基地,其目的当然是用来打击中国(见参考)。 不久前习近平不是接见了菲律宾新总统小马可士,当场应允七千亿美元对菲律宾的基础建设吗?这正好,必然地包括了用来建设这九个美军打击中国基地所需的周边基础建设,非常的及时;以中国“基建狂魔“的名声,想所有美军基地的后勤补给路线都将会尽善尽美,打起中国来,也当然是得心应手。 二十大后,习近平或被迫或自愿,现出原形了,中国人民何以自处呢? 世界上除了这独一无二的北京投降派凯子外交,大作其散财童子,还有其它更为人傻钱多的例子吗? 与此同时,那只英国狐狸却放出习近平将访问俄罗斯的传言,我们也等待它能成真,因为俄乌战事已满一年,所有帝国头头们都到过乌克兰的首都基铺给泽伦斯基打气,独独普京一人形单影只,斯人独憔悴;习近平,不是普京的好朋友吗? 参考: February 1, 2023 Philippines, U.S. Announce Four New EDCA Sites Today, the Philippines and the United States are proud to announce their plans to accelerate the full implementation of the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) with the agreement to designate four new Agreed Locations in strategic areas of the country and the substantial completion of the projects in the existing five Agreed Locations. (今天,菲律宾和美国自豪地宣布他们计划加速全面实施增强型国防合作协议 (EDCA),同意在该国战略地区指定四个新的协议地点,并基本完成这些项目在现有的五个商定地点。) The EDCA is a key pillar of the U.S.-Philippines alliance, which supports combined training, exercises, and interoperability between our forces. Expansion of the EDCA will make our alliance stronger and more resilient, and will accelerate modernization of our combined military capabilities. The addition of these new EDCA locations will allow more rapid support for humanitarian and climate-related disasters in the Philippines, and respond to other shared challenges. The United States has allocated over $82 million toward infrastructure investments at the existing five sites under the EDCA, and is proud that these investments are supporting economic growth and job creation in local Philippine communities. The United States and the Philippines have committed to move quickly in agreeing to the necessary plans and investments for the new and existing EDCA locations. The Philippine-U.S. Alliance has stood the test of time and remains ironclad. We look forward to the opportunities these new sites will create to expand our cooperation together. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3285566/ ------ Original Message ------ 大争之世没有永远的朋友也没有永远的敌人 李良书简 02/01/2023 没有永远的朋友也没有永远的敌人。因时制宜,因地制宜,才是大争之世的不二法门。 美国至少仍有庞大的或为利益或受胁迫的盟友圈;北约是其一,东北亚日韩是其二,南亚与东南亚的菲律宾,印度,澳洲是其三。 反观中国,包括习近平在内的北京投降派,除了大撒币搞凯子外交做散财童子外,就是拥抱帝国,忙于舔帝国的屁眼,死抱着人家的大腿不放,连俄罗斯这样唇亡齿寒的朋友都要抛弃,搞成真正的孤家寡人; 到时第一个 “ 树倒猢狲散 ”的,恐怕不是美国,而是中国。 是为警惕! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqfL4Ciq_ZM 分析的很有意思:证明说一大堆,不如做一小点。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POnNxEM4QRg |
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