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送交者: 金无明 2023年08月24日06:14:49 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话

----- Forwarded Message -----                 From: lTo: J>Cc:
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 10:29:54 PM CDT



Re: A Message to Maui... The Truth May Shock You

the subsequent burning of California,and now Hawaii just show how the eastern politicians, especially the republicans, have abandoned the west coast states and islands. ========================================  
 Folks, I'll write  more about the Maui fire(https://youtu.be/aUR113G-5T8  ); I can tell you now it is not only the  Republicans, the Democrats are no better, as I always say, they are just  the difference between floods and quakes.  

The essence is  that the fake and hypocrisy of the Western Imperialistic  "democracy","freedom", and "human right" have been fully exposed by this  fire.    
 After the so many  uncalled-for wars (such as the ones in Vietnam, Iraq, Libya..., etc)  and those countless abuses and deaths in human terms within the United  States of America, whoever still trusts and is fond of the so-called  "democracy, freedom, and human-right" craps must be a brain-death or a  zombie.    

The US of A needs a Chairman Mao to service the people immediately!  
 (from google translator:      





------ Original Message ------
Received: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 10:39:04 PM CDT
From: J To: J W
Subject: Re: A Message to Maui... The Truth May Shock You

we got to get racists!the worst of whites and the best of the black           will only turn america into a 3rd world country. the california firestorm forest fire of 1989,that took my home and almost myself,can be traced to the black firechief, and the oakland black mayor.(we change them to asians and whites ever since). i was awaken by my daught after half hour of calling. and i had to pick up two women on the way,or else they would be killed , like the two gays living right below us.  my wife was shopping down town,but when she saw they just let our neighborhood burn, and only used some helicopters when the fire reached the fairmont luxury hotel, she shouted out as many others:"fuck you!" and when i escape down the mountain,  i grab the nearliest cop and told him that  "u guys must send a fire-proof truck up there  to broadcast the coming of the fire,  because people in the house would never know there is a fire until it burn down the house!"  but he replied(a black, too)  "we are berkeley cops, and this is a oakland fire。

“ anyway, the subsequent burning of california, and now hawaii just show how the eastern politiians,especially the republicans, have abandoned the westcoast states and islands.why, in my memory since 1959,california always had surplus, until bush,jr's watch.  
On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 2:38 PM i <j> wrote:        
             Tell me, what kind of gov’t is that !        


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