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送交者: LuZhiShen 2010年11月17日12:05:19 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話


Please Note: Some of these famines may be partially or completely caused by humans.

Death toll↓ Event↓ Location↓ Date↓
1. 15,000,000–43,000,000 Great Chinese Famine China 1958–1961
2. 24,000,000 Chinese Famine of 1907 China 1907
3. 19,000,000 Indian Famine British India 1896–1902
4. 15,000,000 Bengal famine of 1770, incl. Bihar & Orissa India 1769–1771
5. 13,000,000 Northern Chinese Famine China 1876–1879
6. 10,000,000 Indian Great Famine of 1876–78 India 1876–1879
7. 7,500,000 Great European Famine Europe (all) 1315–1317
8. 5,000,000 Chinese Famine of 1936 China 1936
8. 5,000,000 Soviet famine of 1932–1933 (Holodomor) Soviet Union 1932–1934
8. 5,000,000 Russian famine of 1921 Russia, Ukraine 1921–1922
11. 3,000,000 Chinese Drought 1941 China 1941
11. 3,000,000 Chinese Famine of 1928–1930 China 1928–1930
13. 2,000,000 Russian famine of 1601–1603 Russia (Muscovy) 1601–1603
13. 2,000,000 Vietnamese Famine of 1945 Vietnam 1943–1945
13. 2,000,000 Deccan Famine of 1630–32 India 1630–1630
16. 1,500,000–4,000,000 Bengal Famine of 1943 India 1943
17. 1,200,000 North Korean famine North Korea 1996–1998
18. 1,000,000–1,500,000 Great Irish Famine Ireland 1846–1849
18. 1,000,000 1984–1985 famine in Ethiopia Ethiopia 1984
18. 1,000,000 Horn of Africa famine Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia 1888
21. 26,000–1,000,000 Bangladesh famine of 1974—Official records claim 26,000. However, various sources claim about 1,000,000. Bangladesh 1974
22. 150,000 Finnish famine of 1866–1868 Finland 1866–1868
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