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申时行: (诗) Christmas Carol for A Toad and a Few Swans
送交者: 万蝶 2005年11月04日18:45:56 于 [跨国婚姻] 发送悄悄话

Hey, Swan!
Why are you so capricious?
Why are you so slanderous?
So much so that
Every time it gets to Christmas,
I shoot one, two, or three of you,
Some so lovely,
Some so precious.

It's revenge.
It's for Christmas.
Indeed you are so lovely.
Indeed you are so precious.
I am a sniper.
I am a toad.
Who has been
So transfigured,
So gifted,
So accurate,
One shot I can get one, two, three of you.

I loved you,
I mean I used to.
Because you were
so lovely,
so precious.
That was a long time ago.
When we shared
that pond,
that lagoon,
that archipelago,
When every night I told my story for you;
When every day I ran away from you;
When day and night I filled myself with love for you.
When you were so capricious.
When you were so slanderous.

But now,
Hey, Swan!
I am a sniper,
You are a swan.
You have wings,
I have a gun.
I need one, two or three of you down,
I mean revenge.
I mean Christmas.

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