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A child dies every 7 seconds
送交者: ucando 2008年07月29日07:52:43 于 [跨国婚姻] 发送悄悄话
ZT A child dies every 7 seconds – see video for cause: http://www.worldvision.org/worldvision/master.nsf/home?Open&campaign=11071912&cmp=EMC-11071912&ppi=14157962 The spreading international food crisis kills thousands of innocent children every day. Together, we can make a difference! Dear Friend, As a result of widespread drought, skyrocketing oil prices, international economic woes and the recent Asian disasters, a worldwide food shortage has developed that is even more deadly than previously imagined. It's being called the "silent tsunami," a quiet yet severe crisis contributing to the deaths of more than an estimated 14,000 children each day. These defenseless children die slowly — and quietly — directly from starvation or indirectly from their inability to resist common diseases. photo Help Now We can't allow their faint voices to go unheard. That's why I'm writing — to tell you there IS a way that, together, we can do something about this crisis right now. Give the gift of Child Sponsorship — so that your sponsored child receives basic nutrition and care to keep him or her from becoming just a statistic. Your Child Sponsorship donation of just over a $1 per day will provide life-saving and life-sustaining essentials to children and their families in the form of things like: * Nutritious food * Clean water * Medical care * Disease prevention support * Educational opportunities * Economic help * And much more Sponsor Now I know you have a heart for children and will consider doing what you can to help blunt the developing food shortage crisis. As always, we thank you for your prayers and support of hungry and defenseless children around the world. Sincerely, /s/ Rich Stearns Rich Stearns President, World Vision U.S. P.S. Your gift of Child Sponsorship comes at a time when the global food crisis is creating one of the most serious situations affecting the lives of children that the world has seen in decades. Please help us to help starving children. World Vision United States — Building a Better World for Children World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. Last year, 86 percent of World Vision's total revenue was designated for programs that benefit children, families, and communities in need. World Vision Donor Services 34834 Weyerhaeuser Way S. P.O. Box 9716, Mail Stop 110 Federal Way, WA 98063-9716 Phone: 1.888.511.6514 Web: www.worldvision.org Email: info@worldvision.org It's free and takes only seconds to help others: http://www.thechildhealthsite.com/ http://www.clicktoempower.com/ http://www.freerice.com/index.php http://www.searchkindly.org http://www.ip168.org/tp.htm http://www.gydj.org/ http://www.fangshengwang.org/007.htm http://www.letsdo.org http://www.fo120.com/d2.htm http://www.thehungersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=5&link=ctg_chs_home_from_bcs_thankyou_sitenav
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