美国政府急于从俄乌冲突中脱身,世界和平重现曙光 |
送交者: 爪四哥 2023年04月22日16:48:05 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
拜登政府精心策划的这场俄乌战争,原以为成功让普京跳坑,成功割了欧洲的韭菜,成功地为2024大选做了最好的铺垫。。。。 一年多过去了,拜登想看到的结果,出现了没? 拜登政府用美元做金融核弹,整垮俄罗斯了没? HELL NO! 不仅没整垮老毛子,还让美元在全世界面前丧失了信誉。世界各国脱离美元的运动,风起云涌,美元地位,岌岌可危。 拜登政府想把欧洲的热钱,全都圈入美国重振美国经济的如意算盘,如意了没? HELL NO! 欧洲金融资本也不是傻子,资本家们不想为美国政府海量印钱做背锅侠。他们对拜登说。。。 没有欧洲热钱给美国经济输血,美国的高通胀得到控制了没? HELLO NO! 为了控制高通胀,美联储只能饮鸠止渴,继续加息,继续帮助世界各国脱离美元,动摇美元地位。 拜登政府利用俄乌战争,打压孤立中国的目的得逞了没? HELLO NO! 所谓偷鸡不成反蚀一把米,美帝不仅没能孤立中国,反而丢了中东,丢了拉美,正在丢掉欧洲(见马克龙的宣言)。现在败灯低三下四地要跟中国保持高层对话,保持紧密接触。早知如此,何必当初?! 总而言之言而总之,内外交困的拜登政府,突然发现,原来为普京挖的坑,不仅没把普京埋掉,反而把自己的半个身子埋进去了。 为了2024大选,现在拜登政府的首要任务就是: 尽快结束让美帝欧洲俄罗斯三败俱伤,只有中国得利的俄乌战争!!!! 所以,就顺理成章,刚刚,Breaking News: 在法国总统马克龙的全力斡旋下,拜登政府把打碎的牙往肚里咽,同意让中国出面调停,尽早结束这场让美国与欧洲大失血的斯拉夫人内战。 欧耶,世界和平终于重现曙光。 英文版全文在此: US President Biden, France's Macron agree to 'engage' China on Ukraine in efforts to end conflict According to a statement from Macron's office, the French president updated Biden on 'the results obtained' during his trip to Beijing in the first week of April, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping for several hoursFP Staff April 21, 2023 02:06:28 IST Paris, France: Following their phone conversation on Thursday, US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron “agreed on the importance of continuing to engage” China in efforts to put an end to the conflict in Ukraine. According to a statement from Macron's office, the French president updated Biden on “the results obtained” during his trip to Beijing in the first week of April, where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping for several hours. The French statement added: “China had a role to play in contributing, in the medium term, in ending the conflict in accordance with the principles and aims of the United Nations charter. “The two heads of state agreed on the importance of continuing to engage Chinese authorities on this basis.” Macron also stressed “the importance of European countries continuing to re-arm themselves in order to take on their responsibilities in sharing the burden of transatlantic security,” the statement said. “The two presidents share the same desire to reinforce cooperation underway and to support international law, including the freedom of navigation, in the whole of the Indo-Pacific region,” the statement added, in a reference to Taiwan. Returning from his trip to China, Macron had raised hackles among allies by saying that Europe shouldn’t be a “follower” of the United States in the event of a conflict between the US and China over Taiwan. Speaking to the US-based Politico news site and French newspaper Les Echos, he added that Europe “should not be caught up in a disordering of the world and crises that aren’t ours”. Macron headed to Beijing keen to engage Xi, an ally of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, in finding an end to the Ukraine war. An aide to the French president said afterwards that Xi had expressed interest in working with Paris on “creating the conditions for negotiations” between Moscow and Kyiv. The idea of a joint initiative would be discussed between Macron’s chief diplomatic advisor, Emmanuel Bonne, and China’s top diplomat Wang Yi in talks which are scheduled to take place before the summer, the aide said. “The president said that any such negotiation had to take place with full respect of international law and Ukrainian sovereignty,” she continued. “He (Macron) encouraged China to play a constructive role notably given its status as a permanent member of the (UN) Security Council,” the aide added. |
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