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送交者: 爪四哥 2021年02月22日05:49:54 於 [笑林之聲] 發送悄悄話

在上古時代,華夏的始祖共公氏 (炎帝的孫子) 與顓頊 (黃帝的孫子) 都喜歡天下第一美女女媧。。。


可是, 可是, 女媧不稀飯這倆兒孫子, 她深愛的, 是她的親哥哥伏羲。。。


結果, 這倆兒孫子為紅顏衝冠一怒,合力打敗了伏羲。伏羲在東方無立足之地, 只好逃到了西方, 據說後來伏羲在西方打遍天下無敵手, 變成了西方萬神之王。。。


趕走了伏羲後, 為了能夠獨霸女媧, 共公氏顓頊在不周山下又一決雌雄!




一時間, 天塌地陷, 乾坤倒錯, 日月顛倒, 黎民百姓流離失所, 無以為生

女媧為了天下的黍民百姓 (對, 都是她跟親哥哥伏羲玩兒過家家時, 用泥巴捏出來的),決心把天上的這個窟窿補上。可是補漏洞, 必須要用五彩神石。這種五彩神石, 只有在忘情河的河底才能得到。女媧長嘆一聲, 自己的意中人伏羲生死未卜, 共公氏顓頊這倆兒孫子, 看着就噁心。

問世間情為何物, 直教神生死相許。。。。

於是乎, 女媧在忘情河邊, 用兄妹玩過家家時, 專門發明的只有兄妹倆才能聽懂的語言, 深情地唱一曲"Far From The Sanctuary", 然後毫不猶豫地跳入忘情河,將河底的五彩神石取出,用於補天。


天補好了, 老百姓重新安居樂業了。不過, 女媧的生命中, 從此不再有愛情。。


這是當年女媧在忘情河邊演唱的Far From The Sanctuary  翻譯成中文, 就是救贖的意思...

"Far From The Sanctuary"/偶爾掉鏈子

With eyes of fire we'll stand in line to the final destination
Prepare to pay the price of life without further explanation
The eyes of a wolf, they live in pain
The struggle is now over we'll then dedicate
To an unknown world the darkness restless harbour

The path to death is revealed
The truth due is received

Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time - Done?
To the other side, we'll be alright
To the shadow gate we'll rise

Placing fire from the sky, the screams of desperation
All alone in the darkest fields, the signs of recreation
Back and forth once again Once Again!
Demise is all that remains

Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned
Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time
To the other side, we'll be alright

To the shadow gate we'll rise

Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned

Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time
To the other side
We'll be alright To the other side... we'll be alright

Far, from the sanctuary with a castle made of gold Castle made of gold
Here, in the solemness with the songs of the unstoned

Dear it's forevermore till we make it back in time
To the other side, we'll be alright

To the shadow gate we'll rise




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