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送交者: 爪四哥 2020年11月15日10:26:50 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

德州副州长共和党人Dan Patrick,在川普推特的鼓舞感召下,悬赏一百万美元捉拿大选舞弊者,称抓到舞弊者(以逮捕为准)就支付up to一百万...

There’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud, but Dan Patrick is encouraging people to report it with up to a $1 million reward

现在宾州的副州长John Fetterman前来领赏。说他在宾州里抓到两个舞弊者,都是共和党人,一个冒名顶替自己已经死去的老母的名字投川普的票。一个偷偷替自己支持民主党的儿子投了川普,如今两人已经被捕。

John Fetterman在推特中庆贺自己挣到一百万。。。




Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman has tweeted a response to Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who said he’ll pay a reward of up to $1 million to “incentivize, encourage and reward people to come forward and report voter fraud.”

This week, Fetterman tweeted, in part, “Hey, Governor Patrick- it’s your counterpart in Pennsylvania. I’d like to collect your handsome reward for reporting voter fraud. I got a dude in Forty Fort, PA who tried to have his dead mom vote for Trump. I’d like mine in Sheetz gift cards pls.”

Fetterman was referencing a case out of Luzerne County in which Robert Richard Lynn, 67, is accused of signing the name of his deceased mother on an absentee ballot application.

Lynn is a registered Republican and is facing several charges including forgery.

He is scheduled to have a preliminary hearing on Nov. 20.

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