老冬儿:你以为我是智障? |
送交者: 老冬儿 2012年07月15日11:36:21 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
几周前收到家住法国的大学同学丽的求救电子邮件如下: 你好吗?我们全家在西班牙的马德里度假,不幸的是,我们在我们下榻的饭店的公园被抢劫,所有的现金,手机和信用卡都被盗了。幸运的是,我们的护照还在。 我们已经报告了大使馆和这里的警察,但没有得到他们任何帮助。我们的航班明天离开,饭店经理要我们付了酒店账单才会让我们离开。我真的很需要你的财政援助,请让我知道你能帮助我们吗? 我将等待您的来信。 谢谢你! 丽 原 文: How are you doing? I and my family came over to Madrid(Spain) for a short vacation. unfortunately,we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed,all cash, cell phones and credit card were stolen off us but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.
我的第一感觉就是这是假的。但又一想,万一是真的怎么办? 于是回信询问丽所在的旅馆的电话号码,我好通话证实。很快(一小时左右)又收到了"她"的回信,让我给"她"寄去1950 欧元。闭口不提旅馆的电话号码。
回 信原文:I'm glad you responded back to my message and you are willing to help, We need a financial assistance of (€1,950 Euro),but anything you could assist with now will be helpful... sorry we never informed you before leaving for Spain. I was extremely happy when i saw your mail, please bear in mind that I'll facilitate your reimbursement as soon as we get home, the fastest and safest means you can get money to me is via western union as it takes only few minutes for the money to get across to me, below is all you need in sending the money via western union. Name: Nathalie Ding Location: Calle Gran Via 61 6th Floor Madrid, 28013, Madrid, Spain
Please as soon as you are done with the transfer, kindly get back to me with the confirmation number(MTCN) and other transfer details, Let me know if you are heading to the Western Union outlet now. I will be waiting to hear from you. Thanks, Li 读了后我确信是遇上骗子了,咱立马玩心大起,回了一行字: Do you think I am retarded? (你以为我是智障?) 打完字后,想象对方读到这句话时的表情,自己忍不住哈哈大笑。 ......这之后就再也没有听到消息了。
当天晚上,丽的邮件来了(这次真是丽的信件),她告诉我她的雅虎邮箱不知为何突然进不去了,在雅虎的帮助下重新修改了密码才进去,但里面的所有东西都空了。她们全家确实刚去了马德里度假,估计是在那儿上网被黑客侵入。 ---------------------------------------------------------------
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