范儿66——温家宝(续三):恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 |
送交者: 藤儿 2012年12月03日08:32:02 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
藤儿点评:古人云:《一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭》。如果纽约时报驻华记者张大卫(David Barboza)在连发三炮之后,温家宝仍然屹立不倒,即证明了是春秋末期的鲁国史官左丘明所著中国古代名著《左传》,“其言简而要,其事详而博。” 《一鼓作气,再而衰,三而竭》之精辟,果然名不虚传。
___________________________________________________________________________________ 来源:美国之音2012-11-28
纽约时报三谈温家财富:平安股权藏香港 华盛顿 — 纽约时报星期日再度出手,发表了驻华记者张大卫(David Barboza)有关温家宝家族财产的第三篇报道。这篇报道主要谈和温家股票有关的平安公司在香港的股权及其关系,题目是《一笔隐藏在香港的平安股权》。
Another Big Stake in Ping An, Hidden in a Hong KongInvestmentBy DAVID BARBOZAPublished: November 24, 201The main connection to Ping An forrelatives of Wen Jiabao was through their stakes in a company based in theprime minister’s hometown, Tianjin, in northern China. But there was alsoapparently a Hong Kong connection.
One big investor in Ping An was Zheng Jianyuan, who formerPing An executives said worked as a business associate and an investmentmanager for Cheng Yu-tung, the Hong Kong billionaire who controls both the NewWorld Development Group and Chow Tai Fook, one of the world’s largest jewelrystore chains. Between 2000 and 2004, five companies affiliated with Mr.Cheng and his New World Group acquired 20 percent of Ping An’s stock from theChina Merchants Group and other state entities ahead of Ping An’s listing onthe Hong Kong Stock Exchange. At one time, all five companies were managed orcontrolled by Mr. Zheng. Corporate and other public records show that the investmentvehicles controlled by Mr. Zheng formed numerous business partnerships with therelatives of Mr. Wen, around the time of the Ping An investments, and financedtwo start-ups run by the prime minister’s son, Wen Yunsong. In mid-2001, moreover, one of Mr. Zheng’s investmentvehicles borrowed about $9 million from a diamond company partly controlled byrelatives of the prime minister, and his wife’s former government colleagues inthe diamond trade, according to regulatory filings. Soon after, that vehicle —Baohua — bought about 20 million Ping An shares before its initial publicoffering. Ping An executives declined to comment. Cheng Yu-tung, whois now 87, could not be reached for comment. Efforts to reach Mr. Zheng werealso unsuccessful. People familiar with the sale of Ping An shares toassociates of Mr. Cheng say that in 1999 a Chow Tai Fook joint venture wasrestructured in the Chinese city of Wuhan and several other investment vehicleswere set up in mainland China in order to avoid a Chinese restriction onforeign ownership. At that point, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley owned about15 percent of Ping An’s shares, and by 2002, the British bank HSBC held 10percent. Under rules issued in 1998 by China’s insurance regulators, totalforeign investment in Ping An was capped at 25 percent. Those rules alsoapplied to investors from Hong Kong, who are still considered foreign because HongKong is governed separately. Using a Chinese government-issued identity card in hisname, Mr. Zheng was able to control companies that held more than one billionshares of Ping An stock at the time of the Hong Kong I.P.O. — just over 20percent of Ping An’s shares. “These several parties were under common control,” said oneexecutive who worked with Mr. Cheng and relatives of Mr. Wen, but who asked notto be named for fear of retribution. “It was under the surface, like the Higgs boson theory,economic dark matter: It has a gravitational pull, but you can’t see it.” A New York Times review of Ping An’s public filingsindicates that the company never publicly disclosed that Mr. Cheng or Mr. Zhengcontrolled the stakes — or that the various companies they were linked to wereclosely related. And a search of Hong Kong records and a visit to Luhe County,in Guangdong Province — the county listed as Mr. Zheng’s hometown on hisidentity card — suggests that Mr. Zheng was in fact a Hong Kong resident. After searching the local government database, police inLuhe County said no such person existed in the county, and that the ID numberwas not in their records. And Zheng Chengyu, who compiles family histories inLuhe County, said: “I’ve never heard of this name.” A version of this article appeared in print on November25, 2012, on page A19 of the New York edition with the headline: Another BigStake in Ping An, Hidden in a Hong Kong Investment.v |
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