治忧郁帖 (中西合作,独创新药) |
送交者: 快活老人 2014年07月20日13:42:11 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话 |
治忧郁帖 (一帖见笑)
7/19/2014 某君挂急诊, 手掌粘着根。 医护全傻眼, 太太把冤申:
逮着强力胶, 竟去润滑身
。。。 注1:版权请尊重。转贴时须注明出处。 注2:记着,少儿不宜。 注3:十八岁以上男女,无论是谁,哪天不太开心,就来这帖药吧,准保一帖见笑。。。 若需更多funny后续详情,请见下边的English报导(English不太强的,请挂专家门诊):
Man Superglues Hand To Penis On 'Sex Sent Me To The E.R.'The Huffington Post | By David Moye Posted: 07/17/2014 2:03 pm EDT Updated: 07/17/2014 2:59 pm E Dr. Matthew Valente has seen his share of sticky situations in his years as a Chicago-based emergency room physicians, but none were as weird as the man who superglued his hand to his penis. "The night before, [the patient' was fixing his lamp next to his bed and he left the superglue tube on the nightstand," Valente explained on an episode of "Sex Sent Me To The E.R." airing Saturday on TLC. The glue tube just happened to be next to a tube of lubrication he kept on hand for when he and his wife were in the mood for love. Some time in the middle of the night, the unidentified male and his wife decided to have sex and he reached for what he thought was the lubricant. "Only he went a little too fast, and -- voila! -- his hand became stuck to his penis," Valente said. It was a sight to behold, according to the good doctor. "This was a large amount of skin that was affixed together," Valente said. "There wasn't just a small amount of glue. It wasn't just one finger. It was, in fact, his entire palm and all his fingers, which were tightly affixed to his genitals." The patient's wife was impatient for the man to get his hand off his sex organs, so Dr. Valente started researching ways to remove superglue. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 |
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