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全美新冠擴至19州228例病逝14 人
送交者: 古林風 2020年03月06日04:59:51 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

                          全美新冠擴至19州228例病逝14 人


彭斯終於坦承政府沒有足夠的檢測儀,無法應付未來的需要。 醫務界認為現在本地人傳人已達179例,僅僅檢測已發現的病人和密切接觸者已不夠,必須進行百萬人以上規模的預防檢測,才能防止大爆發。    檢測儀何來?

川普也低頭承認美國新冠問題嚴重,但他要求醫藥界“兩個月出疫苗”違反常識,加大投資檢測儀才是當務之急。  至於他自誇在美墨邊界建隔離牆是防冠毒的先見之明,只是笑話,不會拉回多少選票。

The US has 228 coronavirus cases across 19 states

There are now 228 coronavirus cases and 14 deaths in the United States, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as state and local governments.  

49 cases are repatriated from abroad: three from the Chinese city of Wuhan, and 46 from the Princess Diamond cruise ship in Japan.

179 cases were detected on US soil.

These cases include presumptive positive cases -- meaning patients have tested positive in local or state labs, and are pending confirmation in the federal CDC lab.

Here's the breakdown of the 179 cases across 19 states:

1 Arizona: 2 

2 California: 49 (including 1 death)

3 Colorado: 2

4 Florida: 4

5 Georgia: 2

6 Illinois: 5 

7 Maryland: 3

8 Massachusetts: 3

9 Nevada: 1 

10 New Hampshire: 2

11 New Jersey: 2

12 New York: 22

13 North Carolina: 1 

14 Oregon: 3

15 Rhode Island: 2 

16 Tennessee: 1 

17 Texas: 4

18 Washington state: 70 (including 13 deaths) 

19 Wisconsin: 1

  美政府還是輕視了 - lenyan 03/06/20 (78)
    俺認為美國早期聽信了中共正腐的數據導致判斷失誤  /無內容 - pifu01 03/06/20 (38)
      土共沒有真數據,盡人皆知。聽信了,是自己腦殘。  /無內容 - newwild 03/06/20 (60)
          俺很聰明。土共說“不人傳人”,俺當放屁。 - newwild 03/06/20 (36)
    美國病例也遍地開花了,考驗川普領導力了  /無內容 - newwild 03/06/20 (52)
      直升機 - 來到萬維論壇 03/07/20 (42)
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