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Descriptive: Marco's Diary(應用文─馬可日記)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月18日14:04:15 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        If you are reading this, then you’re probably researching about the life of the king of the world. That’s right, it’s me, the one, the only, the immortal Sir Marco the first. I’ve decided to keep a journal on the events of my life leading up to my kingship to remind me of the distance I have come. To start off, I want to say that I am not a traitor. I’m just a man that is searching for his purpose in life, and my road has brought me to the Massa, the secret organization that suits me perfectly. I’ve had enough with the Karai Institute, and sided with its enemy. Many people will think I’m a backstabbing traitor, but bro, if all I had to do was to lie to become the king of the world, and then I would do it. I also believe I wouldn’t be the only one. So if you wish to hear my point of view, grab some popcorn or something and enjoy the story.

June 3rd, 2014

Euphrates River

Dear Diary,

        Now this is where it begins with the betrayal. I’ve already sided with the Massa, a secret organization that is content on using seven magical orbs to rule the world, with me leading the front charge. These orbs are called Loculi or something, and they give kids with the G7W powers like flight and invisibility. At the same time, they also are the only known cure for the G7W, a rare disease kids are born with. This disease overrides the body at the age of 14, and nothing can stop it. Theoretically, if all seven-Loculus’ powers are put together, and then the energy would reverse the G7W or something like that. The Loculi are hidden in the seven ancient wonders of the world, and only one still remains intact. I am currently buried under some sand for protection from the sun rays on the banks of the Euphrates River, the site for the second Loculus. Jack and his Karai Institute buds are about to arrive. At this time, they don’t know I’m here. They don’t even know I’ve sided with the real good guys yet, a.k.a. the Massa. Soon I heard screaming, followed by a thumping sound. I knew it had to be Jack. He’s the only one braved enough to come down, although not the most professional way. After a while, I heard Jack scrambling up, and I felt a tug on my shoes. I got pulled out of my little sand dune and came face to face to my former colleague. He looked as surprised as if he was staring at a zombie. By the looks of it, he was about to give me CPR. Professor Bhegad, the head of the Karai Institute, saw me and shouted something. Whatever it was, I waved back. Then, here’s the part that hurt most. The part was when I lied and apologized, because inside, I wasn’t sorry at all. This was just a big scheme that would put the Massa ahead by a step. So after I was done pretending to be sorry and making up a story and Jack was forgiving me, I told him the sweet part. The part was where I found the second Loculus. He’s really surprised, and by that time, the other Karai G7W kids arrived. There’s Cass or Cassius, Aly, and Jack. They were the three musketeers. The three kids in the Karai Institute seemed to have tricked. If only they knew about the ways of the Massa, they were the true saviors. I stood up and showed them the spot where I discovered the place of the Loculi. The others began asking questions, but I told them to see for their selves. I asked them to jump in, and before they could answer, I grabbed their hands and jumped in. The journey was still weird even though I went through a few times already. I swam to the very bottom, lugging Jack, Aly, and Cass’s bodies with me. Down and down we went into the darkness, then a glow illuminates the murky water, and I felt as if my insides were turned outwards. Then, my face broke the surface and I gasped.

300 B.C.E.

Ancient Babylon

Dear Diary,

        I lugged everyone to a near bank, and they’re all wheezing for air. There was a path here last time I came, and there it was. I told the others to get up, and I began walking down the path. After a while, Jack and the others caught up, and saw what amazed me every time. There, in the middle of a desert, sat a city. Not a city of skyscrapers and cars, but of walls of clay bricks and hard packed dirt roads. A little boy strolled towards us, saw us, and started to scream like we were from the future. He turned and ran up to a guard that was patrolling the outer wall. Jack, Cass, and Aly turned and bolted to the river. All I could say was what a bunch of wusses they were at the time. I followed with no other choice.

June 5th, 2014

Euphrates River

Dear Diary,

        The four of us washed up on the banks of the Euphrates again, gasping for air. Jack’s unconscious, but with a little help, got up in a few minutes. Later, I heard a scream, followed by an “Oh. My Gandalf!” from someone on the upper banks. It was Nirvana, another Karai scientist that Professor Bhegad brought. She escorted us up to an area where the Karai Institute people set up camp. Everyone was worried, but I didn’t really care. My head was spinning at impossible speeds, blurring images together like watercolors. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground, writhing in pain. I woke up to find myself in a tent with everyone watching. Professor Bhegad said I went through treatment, a secret process to delay G7W until the kid’s 14th birthday. Soon the discussion took a quick turn to the other place where we went. All I could process was slower, hours and minutes. Even though I had muscle, my brain couldn’t process much at all. That’s what Aly’s for. She was the Albert Einstein of the century. After a large problem of long division, Aly stated that ancient Babylon travelled ninety-times slower than the rest of the world. Professor Bhegad looked shocked, and told everyone about something like a wormhole that did something I didn’t really catch in time.















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