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送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月19日09:19:41 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

       As we walked out of Serafina Fabulous Pizza with full, yet queasy stomachs, Mom led us to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA). I don’t know about you, but the world history isn’t a 12-year-old boy’s favorite to learn on Saturday, if we even learn on Saturday. Even if history were our favorite subject, the library would have 24-hour service.  Besides, the MMA only has art. So if we were going there, it would take hours to read the small summaries next to each artwork. But no matter what I did try to change my mom’s thought, she would budge even an inch.

        Mom had gotten us the audio headphones and a gadget of some sort to give us a description of certain pictures. It didn’t take Einstein to figure out what the gadget was, because the size, battery sign, and time gave it away. The “gadget” was an iPod, just in a plastic case and the iPod stuck to one app. As I scrolled through all the guides and instructions, the MMA seemed larger than ever.

        Where to start? It’s the question, isn’t it? Well, it’s certain if you have three hours to tour the MMA. It’s so big that you could spend an entire day exploring. Literally, that’s the description the iPod told me about. So instead of picking a random place to begin, we went to the nearest entrance we could find to the vast maze of art. We plopped in the middle of Greek & Roman Art that my friend Kevin was currently learning in his social study at the 6th grade, while I was wondering about Ancient India in my school district at the same time. 

        As soon as I scanned the gallery, I saw a ton of small, black and bolded numbers. The screen would then have a narrator lecture on and on about a piece of artwork after pressed the corresponded number on iPod. His voice also sounded very lame and droopy and made me feel like falling asleep in class when the teacher talked about how grass grew or paint dried. So Kevin and I were just standing at a bowl with many paintings on it and listening to an old man talk about how people were playing a sport. I thought the iPod helped me to know what it’s going on. With my imagination, the person holding the spear was trying to poke someone in the back. It would’ve been rude, but now I could also see how the people were playing a sport of Who-Can-throw-A-Spear-Farther game. Yet when the curator finished talking, both moms became just a puff of smoke. Down the hall at the end of the gallery, I caught a glimpse of our moms turning the corner. We raced to catch up, barely looking around us. Kevin and I caught up to them, and they said we were only going to scan things. I would’ve hugged her right then and there. I didn’t know about you, but if we stopped to hear a lecture on everything of the largest museum in the US, I rather eat uncooked frozen carrots. 

        The Ancient Greek section continued onto statures of men with six packs, each with a history of three things, a winner in the Olympics or sports, a warrior, or a king/god. The statures were all white, but in different sizes. In the hallway, huge marble figures loomed over us, while in the next exhibition room was a shriveled up old man who didn’t fit my overall assumption. I didn’t have time to listen to the iPod explain because moms and the others were in and out as fast as lighting. All I did catch was that he was missing a hand.

        We sped out of Greek & Roman Art and blasted into the European Paintings of the 13th-19th century. Rooms split into intersections, and paintings lined the walls everywhere. Getting lost was easy. After a while, all the paintings looked the same. But when things started looking the same, differences became more obvious. As we wandered through rooms and rooms of the gallery, I noticed the differences between painters. Some painters drew strokes like waves, easy and peaceful, yet others painted with erratic strokes, making sharp edges. Also, paintings varied from chaotic scenes like war to calm backdrops of beaches. In those chaotic war paintings, there was so much to take in. It seemed almost as if the artist wanted to overwhelm the viewer with swords, explosion and most of all uniforms. While in those calm beach paintings, the artists painted with smooth curves of waves and sand colliding over and over again, almost hypnotizing me when I saw it. Although these were small variations, I kept walking until a painting stood out. Now when I said chaotic before, I meant kind of chaotic but neat enough to know what it was. Whoever painted this picture, I didn’t even know if “neat” was in his vocabulary. The highlight was added to increase the brightness. Different shades of gray were splattered over. It looked like a child painted by flinging the paint brush everywhere. If I closely looked at, other colors emerged like red, green, and yellow. Again, it was only a glance because Mom had paid her visit many times over the years and she flew along through rooms. I followed her, and Kevin followed me. 

        The next room had a painting of “Wolf and Fox Hunt” that stood out even to Mom. It was a picture of a man hunting with his dogs by Flemish Baroque Painter Peter Paul Rupens (1557-1640). Yet there was a wolf fighting two soldiers with other wolves fighting the foxes. It reflected one of those chaotic paintings with death and sharp stuff, which was not something you wanted to see before bed.

        As we finally finished a circle back to the place where we started, the four of us took a break. Our legs and brain became sore, and just ahead was another few long adventures of cultures to go.










2015-02-21_Metropolitan Museum of Art-10001.JPG

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