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送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月19日09:26:43 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



Aiden in English

        The Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) has more in store for all visitors’ expectations. Not only do they have the European Paintings, but the MMA dedicates huge sections of the museum to other cultures. At first, three hours seemed like plenty. However, time became an issue after using up two-thirds of that in the Greek/Roman Art and European Paintings.

        The MMA’s Chinese section looked pretty impressive. My favorite was the Classical Gardens of Suzhou, a replica of a Chinese landscape and courtyard. I have never, ever, ever seen it firsthand before. The experience made me feel very cool. The floor was made of tiles, and the roof was just like the pictures we saw in my Chinese history class at Guang Hua Chinese School in PA. They seemed like bamboo poles strapped together. Statures of Buddha were placed in the center of the wall with meditating. Next to the Great Wave Pavilion alongside Lingering Garden, there was a little lotus pond with golden fish swimming around aimlessly. 

        As we moved on, the Chinese section sort of faded away, leading into the Japanese exhibition. It showed us the traditions to Japanese life. Even though it wasn’t as large as the European Paintings, but a few certainly stood out. One very descriptive thing on display was a traditional room with a Tatami bed that could be found in most houses. This was why I believe that the Japanese and Chinese were a lot more intriguing than the European section where we didn’t have time to see the family-orientated setting. I believed this would make the pictures and information a lot more appealing. So this room had a straw-like carpet and a low, but very long and large table, small pillows lined the border of the table. They seemed good for sitting and relaxing. Although after living my entire life in tall chairs, everything was kind of plain, and the people didn’t seem to want extreme luxury, large, or level up.

        Egypt came to our last stop. The iPod blabbed on about hieroglyphs and I got lost on the second word. I walked into a replica of a tomb, which wasn’t all too amazing to me. When I was 8 years old almost four years ago, I went to visit Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm el Sheikh, Luxor, Thebes, Aswan, and many other places along the Nile. After a long vacation, I came back with a ton of eye-witness from St. Catherine Monastery, Temple of Philae/Abu Simbel/Kom Ombo/Karnak/Luxor/Hathor/Medinet Habu, Step Pyramid of Djoser, the Giza Pyramids, etc. When I saw the real tombs where Pharaohs were buried in along Valley of the Kings and Queens, this seemed too… too… too modern. There wasn’t much ancient feeling to it. Walls and hieroglyphs were man-made too purposefully to be ancient, which was why they weren’t the same. Just as everyone’s different, Confucius says you can’t copy something done thousands of years ago. 

        Our visit to the MMA was done after a long journey. It gave me a lot of knowledge and a good workout. The world felt brought together here and every art mixed under one roof. There will be tons of more stuff for us to explore. Even when all arts were united in a museum, the world seems bigger and bigger every second we stayed in the MMA.







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