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Seasonal Allergies(季節性過敏)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年04月23日08:27:56 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Aiden in English

        Seasonal allergies are not nice. They torture and strip away the beauty of spring. Ironically, seasonal allergies are a work of nature, which leaves me to wonder why nature would cancel each other out. Karma, isn’t it. When exploring Fairmont Park’s nature beauties at in Philadelphia, like math, things cancel each other out. 

        Cherry blossoms are a beautiful sight in the spring. They are also a huge source of pollen. Like math, if “X” equals “pollen”, and “X” equals “bad”, what does pollen equal? So Fairmount Park is just a huge substitution equation. It should’ve been a warning sign to all allergic people with a drawing of a skull. There are evil, pink, blossoming cherries (cherry blossoms) that seem all cute until they release their deadly fumes into the air. The fumes contain a weapon known as “Allergy X”, which can send any victim into vicious sneezes. Other reported symptoms are an extremely itch in the eye, the stuffing of nose, and occasionally doing insane. However, what really gives this weapon its true power is the fact that it specifically targets people with seasonal allergies (I hope you’ve figured it out now!). Unfortunately this is passed through genes, and nothing can change it. 

        As usual, Fairmount Park had an abundance of Japanese cherry blossoms, each blooming this spring. The fumes that are produced can irritate hundreds of people, and yet Dad was taking me to see something that probably would bring me weeks, or even months, to fight through. The blossoms close up looked peaceful enough, blooming tiny pedals fluttering in the wind, sprinkling the air with a fresh, sweet scent. But under the outer cover is an evil force that will consume humanity and will stop at nothing to control the universe as we know. They menacingly swayed in the wind, looking for a time to strike.

        Walking around, there was one main huge magnolia tree in front of the Shofuso Japanese Garden. That must’ve been a command center, a swarm of fumes, waiting for the signal. A gust of strong wind blew through, throwing papers, hats, and blankets everywhere. With this perfect diversion, the fumes were blown towards us. A perfect surprise attack. The old school divide and conquer strategy. The poor, innocent tourists stood no chance. Sneezes ran out among the crowds, people doubling over into fits of uncontrollable seizures. Deadly flying projectiles (pedals) were fired, taking down or blinding most people. The fumes were an intelligent being, destroying the beautifulness of spring. 

        I’m not going to say anything else but these three words: THIS MEANS WAR!!!







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