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Compare/Contrast─Notes for Teachers(对比文─教师周评语)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月23日08:44:42 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

Ms. Covelens (Language Arts):

        Every kid thinks that reading is simply saying the words on a page. With Ms. Covelens, students are able to dive deeper than that state. Reading is a fun, imaginative thing, and if done correctly, can seem like a miniature movie. Ms. Covelens, mixing in some amazing energizers, lets kids get to the next level of reading with, well, reading! And Ms. Covelens plans on making the journey cool and enjoyable, throwing in some fun, rewarding projects.

Ms. Kornstein (Math):

        That happy, dazzling, bright smile is always from cheek to cheek. Ms. Kornstein has a positive attitude all the time, and by teaching the arguably worst subject in sixth grade, which is math, the level of enthusiasm really turns math into a class that sometimes is looked forward to.

Mrs. Kesack (Science):

        Mrs. Kesack is wonderful in every possible aspect, except for singing, and gives classes a blast in science. She makes the curriculum seem easy which if we were taught by an average science teacher, would’ve been impossible. Explaining step by step, and accepting all questions, science can be a time to dive into the unknown forces around and in us.

Mr. Richhart (Social Studies and Writing):

        Social Studies bring groans and “uhhh”s from everyone, and so does writing. These sighs of despair disappear once Mr. Richhart gets behind the wheel. He takes all his classes on a fun, and funny, joyride through the history of the ancient world and the skillful tactics for writing. Beware of laughing fits along the way, because with Mr. Richhart, you never know what jokes he might make.










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