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Mother’s Day Breakfast @ Apple’s(苹果蜂母亲节早餐)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月23日08:52:41 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        On the day before Mother’s Day, mom and I did the only thing a normal mother and son would do on an early morning before Mother’s Day. Even though it’s before Mother’s Day, I’d rather celebrate it now than on Chinese School Sunday, and lucky me, Montgomery Elementary School’s Flapjack Fundraiser was going on, so we were totally down for it.

        The Flapjack Fundraiser was at Applebee’s, and I’m pretty sure it was another name for “Cheap Mother’s Day Breakfast”. It wasn’t 5-star quality, but there was still a tint of uniqueness to the morning. It was a simple pancake and sausage, American breakfast. Only notable difference was not in the food, nor the restaurant or customers or weather (there’s always that slim chance of hurricanes/tornadoes). The waiters were kids. Kids from my school, in my grade to be exact, some even my buds. It’s not every day that you get to see a 6th grader asking you for drinks or choices. Sure, they were nervous, and a bit inexperienced. But still, it was cool, and although I was wary whenever a waiter is holding a murdering stick- I mean knife, walked by. You never can be too cautious with a 6th grader holding a five inched blade of death. The atmosphere was exceptional well, for many families came to dine. I’m guessing everyone was thrilled with the idea of no home cooking on a Saturday, and the smacking of lips and hitting of utensils all too loud. There were conversations flying around like a normal meal in Applebee’s. There were also regular customers in another area, eating their own food.

        The food was good, the same comment I give to all the American breakfast restaurants I go to. Food is food, you know. It’s what powers you through the day. For a Mother’s Day breakfast, I think mom appreciated the waiting process far more than the eating process. You can tell that right of the balk with the number of pictures she’s taken combined with the fact that my friend Kyle, a volunteer, needed to waste two out of three perfectly fine pancakes. But, to be honest, I don’t think mom deserved any better. Heck, she only gave me like a dollar every two months. Is a monthly allowance illegal or something? The food wasn’t the highlight, but I enjoyed the experience, and that can worth millions of pancakes and sausages. 

        Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate all moms, even if they are greedy with their money. So enjoy this day, moms enjoy the pancakes, waffles, egg rolls, bagels, or whatever your child made and poisoned for you because this is your death day. For every kid, you raised us from whining babies to swearing teens to crippled, wrinkled old people. You were the leader, the goal for kids, so thank you. Some children may not know this now, which caused a lot more suffering and annoyance than you think. 

        Happy Mother’s Day!








2015-05-09_6th Grader Waiters0001.JPG

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