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Ancient Ephesus, Turkey(土耳其古城以弗所)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年04月27日08:58:08 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Aiden in English

        In ancient times, the city of Ephesus in Turkey stretched a total of 4.3 miles/7 kilometers, bustling more than 300,000 people. As a major trading post with the Middle East, its archaeological sites had rich in the Greek to the Roman history. There were some of the fascinating buildings of the time, for example, the ruined Temple of Artemis, the sacred House of Virgin Mary, and the great Basilica of St. John right up against the Aegean Sea. 

        Now Ephesus isn’t a grand metropolis in contrast to one of the world’s largest jigsaw puzzles approximately 3,000 years ago. Ephesus was invaded at its greatest peak, for many reasons too. First of all, there was Christianity. It was changing the population’s ways of thinking, and having the House of Virgin Mary built a few miles away where Mary was brought here by the Apostle John after the Resurrection of Christ and lived out her days. It was quickly spreading like a wild fire. Word was fast to go around. The next reason was the nearby Cayster River that flew into the Aegean Sea. Ephesus was a hub of trade overseas. Going back to my 4th grade science kit, I’ve learned that a river carries bits of land with it, and also has the ability to plop it where it feels fit. The bits of land are made up of sand, rocks, and very fertile soil. The silt was dumped in the river mouth near the entrance to the Aegean Sea. More and more land came to fill here, forming a delta. It had marsh-like conditions, and the port that used to be connected to the sea now was on dry land. No ships in or out meant no trade. Back in a simpler time, no trade meant no wealth and no wealth meant no power. Finally, Ephesus was next to many conquering armies. Because it’s fertile, many thought that Ephesus was worth fighting a battle for.

        Ephesus host goddess was Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt. The Temple of Artemis was built in her honor and became the biggest architecture on earth in 800 BC. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by an invading army. It was a shame, since now it’s well-known as one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. The place was ideal for a city, locating in a valley with a river nearby. Nevertheless, that wasn’t all. The architecture was top notch, fending off rain water and earthquakes. Ephesus had a large underground system of pipes, carrying out rain water. Brutal, lethal, melting, incinerating, piercing blazing, X-ray like sunshine here was around 90% of the year. For the other ten, however, well let’s just say not even the sky could hold its bladder forever. The pillars of the city needed the strength against earthquakes as well, since the area was sitting near the meeting of two continental plates between Europe and Africa. To give it protection, the metal clamps secured the pillar to the ground, and then molten lead was powered over it to solidify them. It was the technique that is used now, and we use concrete just instead of lead. The advancements didn’t just stop there. Ephesus demonstrated a sign of early recycling. When a block of marble ran out of use, it would be paved into the street. So as I walked down the road, I was probable standing on one of the most expensive pathways ever made in the world. Talk about beautification. 

        For a city so old, the culture, technology, and architecture seem so new. Although the life of Ephesians was different from ours, time can’t change certain things for man. It never had and it never will.






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