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Rickshaw in Copenhagen, Denmark(哥本哈根人力車)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年05月18日08:22:28 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



【Aiden in English】

        If anyone has ever been to New York City, he or she understands what the fancy way of traveling is. Horses are part of the setting, and people pay much money to simply ride on the trolley behind them. Copenhagen has the same concept, except the tradition is with bikes. Many use bikes for mobile and touring purposes, and with a little bit of tinkering, they can be made into luxury taxis containing extra seats. These are known as rickshaws. 

        Apparently, in the late 1900s, these rickshaw bikes were extremely common. They were seen everywhere on the streets, and most people didn't even own cars in the city. As most people now see it, however, the late 1900s may as well have been called the Stone Age. At first glance, I saw many bikes in the city of Copenhagen, but little rickshaws. I understand bikes are cheap, fast transportation, especially in cities, and they can be parked almost anywhere, yet the sheer amount of them parked outside of the central train station is crazy. The second thing I picked up in the center of the city was the weird architecture. Unlike other modern, rich metropolises, the city's old architectural style has not been changed. Sure, certain walls here and there have been repainted, and some even renovated, but the theme of the 1600s still remains strong. Churches, train stations, houses, and work areas all look similar to each other in the sense that they are all extremely out of date. If the guide hadn't said anything, I would've mistaken the Queen's home the same as a hotel or a subway stop. The Amalienborg was also well broadcasted, in which that the more majestic and attracting palaces were given more space, often accompanied by a fountain or a gate. Not only does the style of architecture stay the same, but also many aspects of culture. Guards, dressed in medieval uniforms, still protected the palaces and sacred areas. Granted, they were carrying assault rifles and looked so modernized, but the daily changing of the guards' ceremony very much stayed the same. Unlike the UK, there weren't any instruments involved with the process, and it was way short on style points. It was something to experience though, as they seemed very capable of using their weapons. 

        The rickshaw is something I want to describe in detail. The bike itself had been transformed from a two-wheel drive to a fancy open-air taxi. The seating was just enough to fit three people, and the sea breeze blew straight in our faces. The ride was not the smoothest, but we got around quickly, much faster than cars. The bike, to make room, had mounted a carriage on the front wheel, and decorations were added for a little more welcoming feel. Obviously, with the added three people, the weight had exceeded the physical limitations of a normal man. This is why the 1900s are considered the Stone Age, as they didn't have that beautiful thing known as machinery. The bike had added motors that ran whenever our guide pedaled, which I guess that it was useful but really annoying at the same time. The other annoying part of this trip was that the tourists rarely see rickshaws, and they seldom see ones with such nice decoration, so that leads to many pictures. You know how weird it is to have random strangers walk up to you, holding an enormous camera in your face, and having them snap picture after picture!  Well, I shouldn't be a narcissist, as mom does this to strangers as well. The world is changing, and these rickshaw tours are going fast. I understand it is an old tradition, but if it is the last time this type of culture appears, it feels right to have experienced it one last time.





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