Volunteering on 2017 GHCS Field Day(2017年光華校運會做義工) |
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月14日15:25:33 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
2017-05-07 【Aiden in English】 As everyone grows up, we realize more and more of how things work in the world. Not only do we simply learn more, but the world also provides more information to learn. For example, I used to think that drinking water was plentiful and pretty much granted. In my defense, rainy days aren’t uncommon in Pennsylvania now. Something else the world introduces is the ability to contribute to society. In this case, the moment arrived at the Guanghua Chinese School (GHCS) Field Day, where young kids walked around, eating free snacks and drinking free sodas. However, as I got older, I saw more and more of the work put in before and behind the scenes of the event, starting from months before to hours after the conclusion. The Field Day is a competition between classes in classic games, like a tug of war, steeplechase relay, gunny sacks race, and the three-legged run. Stands were set up for snacks and drinks, and really is a complex and great set-up done every time by the GHCS which allows every grade to participate. If you don’t come, there’s no school, so it’s a win-win situation. I, on the other hand, was not there to have fun. As for me, this year somewhat was about the first step towards contributing to society. Up until now, most teens were still considered liabilities. But days like this truly define the final countdown towards the end of my childhood. Signed up as a volunteer, I ran the claw crane machine stand. This stand charged real money, but all profits go to GHCS. The entire point of this stand was to drag in little kids who had immature thoughts with money. I suppose their parents wanted to get rid of them and just handed out a ten-dollar bill or something. Now, besides how the stand was pretty much rigged, the concept of growing up is daunting in more ways than one. First of all, I will rarely be able to stand on the other side of the claw crane game. Secondly, I find it symbolic how I see myself in many of those elementary school students facing the table, waiting for a turn at a fun game. I also kind of hate the fact of growing up. Not only do I not wish to play the claw crane game, which I know it is rigged, but I also don’t wish to even spend money on useless onetime events. I suppose ignorance sometimes is bliss. However, people show respect to teens like me, not only in a sense of experience but also in skill level. I suspect that some adults still feel superior to teenagers even when they aren’t close. Nevertheless, I think our time making our stamp in the world begins. One step at a time, teens at my group assert themselves into the mature, adult world. I believe, a moment here and there, describe my change as well. Even if it begins with managing a rigged claw crane game. 【紅霞譯文】 隨着年齡增長,人人逐漸對世間事物的相互聯繫有着更加廣泛地認識,我們不光汲取理論知識,同時還深入社會豐富實踐經驗。舉例來說,我一向對取之不盡用之不竭的飲用水不以為然,事實表明雨季對眼下的賓州的確不是什麼稀罕時節。 天底下尚有其它方式可以學以致用報效社會,而今天舉行的光華中文學校運動會正合時宜,讓這些參賽的學弟學妹們利用休閒之餘,一邊嚼着免費供應的時髦小吃,一邊喝着不要錢的蘇打飲料,再好不過。然而,等我長大之後方才逐漸明白,為了迎接這一時刻的到來,從開賽前幾個月到閉幕後若干鐘頭,人們着手做了大量籌備工作。 光華校運會是班級與班級之間的較量,比賽包括拔河、障礙接力、袋鼠跳和綁腿跑等傳統項目,賽場外小攤上擺滿了吃的喝的東西,每次光華中文學校運動會都興師動眾,號召各年級藉機熱鬧一番。假如你不來參加,犯不着到校上課,總之怎麼着都成,而我顯然不是跑來湊熱鬧的。 就我個人而言,今年算作回饋社會的第一步,到目前為止,多數青少年還沒有做好盡義務的準備,但像今天這種日子確實標誌着我童年時代正進入倒計時階段。 我報名做義工並分攤負責抓物機,這個站台收取現金,掙得的全部數額將無償上繳光華中文學校。設立這個遊藝項目圖得就是吸引那些對鈔票毫無概念的小朋友,我覺得其父母巴不得用十塊左右的大洋把他們打發掉。 現在暫且撇開我這攤如何運行的話題,先來談談成長理念正從多方面而非單方面植入我的腦海。首先,我幾乎不太可能再站到抓物機的對面;其次,我發覺自己一下子成為列隊等候玩遊戲小學孩童的關注目標。 我也有點討厭長大成人,咱不是不想玩抓物機,何況知道它挺需技巧的,可又不甘心瞎花錢亂讓銀子打水漂,除非豁出去賭上一把,無知者無畏,天真有時超萌。 好在大家對像我這樣既有點感性認識又有點實踐經驗的青少年表示尊重,但也不排除個別家長未必在行卻倚老賣老。不管怎樣,我們正開啟人生目標,一步一個腳印,可喜的是小組裡每位成員都日趨成熟,相信我所走過的地方都會見證各個變化。 即使從管理捉弄人的抓物機遊戲開始。 Crosslinks(相關博文): 2016 GHCS Field Day(2016年光華校運會) 2015 GHCS Field Trip @ Green Lane Park(2015年光華綠蔭公園春遊日) |
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