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Volunteering on 2017 GHCS Field Day(2017年光华校运会做义工)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年06月14日15:25:33 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


【Aiden in English】

        As everyone grows up, we realize more and more of how things work in the world. Not only do we simply learn more, but the world also provides more information to learn. For example, I used to think that drinking water was plentiful and pretty much granted. In my defense, rainy days aren’t uncommon in Pennsylvania now.

        Something else the world introduces is the ability to contribute to society. In this case, the moment arrived at the Guanghua Chinese School (GHCS) Field Day, where young kids walked around, eating free snacks and drinking free sodas. However, as I got older, I saw more and more of the work put in before and behind the scenes of the event, starting from months before to hours after the conclusion.

        The Field Day is a competition between classes in classic games, like a tug of war, steeplechase relay, gunny sacks race, and the three-legged run. Stands were set up for snacks and drinks, and really is a complex and great set-up done every time by the GHCS which allows every grade to participate. If you don’t come, there’s no school, so it’s a win-win situation. I, on the other hand, was not there to have fun.

        As for me, this year somewhat was about the first step towards contributing to society. Up until now, most teens were still considered liabilities. But days like this truly define the final countdown towards the end of my childhood.

        Signed up as a volunteer, I ran the claw crane machine stand. This stand charged real money, but all profits go to GHCS. The entire point of this stand was to drag in little kids who had immature thoughts with money. I suppose their parents wanted to get rid of them and just handed out a ten-dollar bill or something.

        Now, besides how the stand was pretty much rigged, the concept of growing up is daunting in more ways than one. First of all, I will rarely be able to stand on the other side of the claw crane game. Secondly, I find it symbolic how I see myself in many of those elementary school students facing the table, waiting for a turn at a fun game.

        I also kind of hate the fact of growing up. Not only do I not wish to play the claw crane game, which I know it is rigged, but I also don’t wish to even spend money on useless onetime events. I suppose ignorance sometimes is bliss.

        However, people show respect to teens like me, not only in a sense of experience but also in skill level. I suspect that some adults still feel superior to teenagers even when they aren’t close. Nevertheless, I think our time making our stamp in the world begins. One step at a time, teens at my group assert themselves into the mature, adult world. I believe, a moment here and there, describe my change as well.

        Even if it begins with managing a rigged claw crane game.












2016 GHCS Field Day(2016年光华校运会)

2015 GHCS Field Trip @ Green Lane Park(2015年光华绿荫公园春游日)

第三届宾州光华校运会随想(2013 GHCS Field Day)

首届宾州光华中文学校校运会(2010 First Field Sports of GHCS)

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