Aiden’s English Writing Class(兒歌英文寫作班招生啟事) |
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年06月14日16:08:42 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
2017-05-14 【Aiden in English】 Writing is an art, requiring years to understand. I have just begun discovering the inner workings of the English language myself, gradually scraping together experience from my surroundings. Recently, my mother approached me with a job at the local Guanghua Chinese School. It is a common mention in my posts due to various activities involving this non-profit organization. The job, a teaching spot for English writing, as of this moment, is officially a green light. All the paperwork, signatures, and interviews, which is all a bunch of complex terms to make the process sound tedious, have been passed without issues. The basis is for young writers to learn skills and tips to writing outside of what is expected at school. Items such as certain figurative skills besides the basic sets will be taught in class, including foreshadowing, extended metaphors, and symbolism. Editing will become another key component to the writing class. I think it is such an underrated skill. The ability to go back and refine ideas is a mindset needed for many moments in life. Even if editing is not appealing to the writer, the skill is very useful in other areas of life. I do not really have much to say about the requirements as a teacher. Other than being in the fourth grade or above, there are not many prerequisites. I understand if this post is not serving any purpose outside of commercializing my class, but it is here nevertheless. 〖Information for the class can be found below.〗 Blog: 【紅霞譯文】 寫作是一門藝術,需要多年磨礪才會出徒,而我剛好已開始從自身經歷中逐漸摸索出英文語言內部運作機制。 最近,母親帶我去本地光華中文學校找工作,在以往喜聞樂見的活動里我沒少報道過這家非營利機構。 眼下學校正式同意我出任英文寫作老師,從準備材料、整理文字到現場面試全部過程複雜費神,一切來之不易。 這門課旨在幫助年輕寫手掌握寫作技能,學到課本以外的知識,除了基礎訓練,課堂上還要講述一些比喻修辭,包括伏筆、延伸隱喻和象徵手法。 編輯將成為寫作課的另外一個重點,我覺得它常被忽視,但生活中很多時候人們都需回過頭來重新審視自己,哪怕編輯對筆者毫無樂趣可言,不過這種技能在其它領域非常受用。 身為任課老師,我真沒有太多要求,凡是四年級或四年級以上的適齡學生均可報名參加。想必這份招生啟事只是為我所教的寫作班代做宣傳廣告,別無目的。 〖順請參考以下信息〗 亞馬遜電商網址: 萬維博客: |
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