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Meals in the Metaverse around NYU(紐約大學周邊元宇宙餐飲)
送交者: 兒歌薈萃 2022年11月08日07:19:35 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

2022-10-22 National Nut Day


【The Auroras of Autumn·VIII (1948)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        There may be always a time of innocence.

        There is never a place. Or if there is no time,

        If it is not a thing of time, nor of place,


        Existing in the idea of it, alone,

        In the sense against calamity, it is not

        Less real. For the oldest and coldest philosopher,


        There is or may be a time of innocence

        As pure principle. Its nature is its end,

        That it should be, and yet not be, a thing


        That pinches the pity of the pitiful man,

        Like a book at evening beautiful but untrue,

        Like a book on rising beautiful and true.


        It is like a thing of ether that exists

        Almost as predicate. But it exists,

        It exists, it is visible, it is, it is.


        So, then, these lights are not a spell of light,

        A saying out of a cloud, but innocence.

        An innocence of the earth and no false sign


        Or symbol of malice. That we partake thereof,

        Lie down like children in this holiness,

        As if, awake, we lay in the quiet of sleep,


        As if the innocent mother sang in the dark

        Of the room and on an accordion, half-heard,

        Created the time and place in which we breathed. 

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——





































Today in History(歷史上的今天):

2022: Campus w/o Walls @ New York Univ.(紐約大學·沒有圍牆的校園)

2022: Parent Weekend @ Stern of NYU, NYC(紐大明星商學院家庭周末)

2014:Analysis─The Amazing Invention(分析段落─了不起的發明)

2022-10-22_Spring Cafe Aspen_Trendy Choice0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Spring Cafe Aspen Doling out Light Meals0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Lao Ma Spicy on 58 E 8th St0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Ramen Takumi @ 1 Univ Pl0001.JPG

2022-10-22_The Boil @ 17 Waverly Pl0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Think Coffee to Directly Benefits the Most Vulnerable in the Supply Chain0001.JPG

2022-10-22_White Oak Tavern @ 21 Waverly Pl-20001.JPG

2022-10-22_Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company @ 63 E 8th St0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Heavenly Market Deli on 44 E 8th St0001.JPG

2022-10-22_5 W. 8th St_Birthplace of Galo Plaza Lasso_ 29th President of Ecuador0001.JPG

2022-10-22_5 W 8th St_Marlton Hotel (1900) Located in Vibrant Creative Community of Greenwich Village-10001.JPG

2022-10-22_5 W 8th St_Marlton Hotel_Marlton Espresso Bar0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Le Pain Quotidien @ 10 5th Ave0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Lena Greenwich Village on 1B W 8th St0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Caffè Vergnano 1882 w Sustainable slow-Roasted Italian Coffee-10001.JPG

2022-10-22_Il Cioccolato Venchi-20001.JPG

2022-10-22_Bar Milano0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Il Pastaio w Fresh_ Housemade Pasta0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Il Pesce w an Extensive Italian Wine Menu0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Il Pesce0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Rossi Pizza0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Fresh Pasta0001.JPG

2022-10-22_La Macelleria_ Butcher’s Kitchen0001.JPG

2022-10-22_La Macelleria_Fish0001.JPG

2022-10-22_La Macelleria_ Eataly's Butcher Counter0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Smoke Sign0001.JPG

2022-10-22_Smoke Shop w All the Cigarettes_ Bongs_ & Hookah Pipes0001.JPG




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