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Since Song Yixuan and Song Zhijian's parents
送交者: 尊重正义 2024年01月18日10:09:55 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

When my son was named Zhao Tianzhe, (he has changed his name to Harry Gao many years ago.) He was born very talented and healthy. Since he was more than one year old, he was attacked by Song Yixuan, who used to be my college when I working as a high school English teacher at Jinan No. 3 Middle School. Song,yixuan treated my son as the object of her abuse, she secretly gave my son Zhao Tianzhe the wrong training and force my son to receive "a thief and become a mother"pattern training. That is, she secretly forced my son to treat her Song Yixuan as my son's mother, with the purpose of subconsciously forcing him to become her daughter's slave under brain nervous systems as the pattern of being destroyed model. 

At that time, Zhao Tianzhe and Song Yixuan's daughter Ma Songge were in the same kindergarten in Jinan No. 3 Middle School. Later, Zhao Tianzhe was attacked subcounsiouslly by the electromagnetic field technology brain control of Song Yixuan's brother Song Zhijian. They tried to damage my son's brain nervous system and turned him into a passive brain.In fact, this is Song Yixuan's method of electromagnetic wave brain control. Their real purpose is to change their own lower moral slave quality to a master position of material and brain nervous systems in this world, suppress the entire human society, and defeat others in this way.This is Song Yixuan's dying pursuit, and ignorant stupid criminal  activities using electromegnig waves.

The two siblings, their mother Qiu Jin and their father Song Ji have been secretly tracking and investigating our entire family for 35 years, stealing brain nerve data, and using electromagnetic waves to secretly conduct air strikes and torture. For this reason, Song Yixuan pretended to be my friend and kept in touch with me on the phone for a long time to understand the situation of my family in various countries. In particular, they comprehensively understood and destroyed the psychological and environmental patterns needed for my son's growth. they try to force  my son to think what they force him to think and become a peraon without normal emotion animal,including the normal emotions and relationsip with his mother and his father. This is the secret domestication of the perverted electromagnetic wave brain nervous system that the Chinese Communist Party has used for a long time.


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