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Snow Pleasure of the Fleeting Year, PA(宾州·流年雪乐)
送交者: 儿歌荟萃 2024年01月21日05:48:05 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

2024-01-20 Take a Walk Outdoors Day

【The Brave Man (1936)】

Wallace Stevens (1879—1955)

        The sun, that brave man,

        Comes through boughs that lie in wait,

        That brave man.


        Green and gloomy eyes

        In dark forms of the grass

        Run away.


        The good stars,

        Pale helms and spiky spurs,

        Run away.


        Fears of my bed,

        Fears of life and fears of death,

        Run away.


        That brave man comes up

        From below and walks without meditation,

        That brave man.

—— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • ——
























Today in History(历史上的今天):

2017: Second Marking Period of Eighth Grade(初三第二学制)

2011: 热议《华裔母亲何以更优越》(Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior)

2009: 乐高生化战士(Bionicles)

1994-02-11_Blizzard0001.JPGBlizzard in Crippled NYC

(纽约暴风雪 02-11-1994)

1999-03-06_Last Snowpack0001.JPGLast Snowpack, NJ (新州最后一次大雪 03-06-1999)

2000-03-05_Great Swamp Natl Wildlife Refuge-2M0001.JPG

Great Swamp Natl Wildlife Refuge, NJ

(新州大沼泽国家野生动物保护区 03-05-2000)

2001-01-01_Washington Rock SP0001.JPGWashington Rock State Park, NJ

(新州睿智农场岩石州立公园 01-01-2001)

2003-02-17_38-Week Fetus-10001.JPG

Almost 2-ft/61-cm of Snow Blanketed in NJ

(新州近2英尺/61公分白雪 02-17-2003)

2004-02-01_Toddler-I @ Watchung Reservation0001.JPGToddler-I @ Watchung Reservation, NJ

(新州高丘保护区·小幼儿生 02-01-2004)

2005-01-23_Toddler-II @ Snowpocalypse0001.JPG

Toddler-II w/ Grandpa Post-Snowpocalypse, PA

(宾州暴雪过后·大幼儿生与其外公 01-23-2005)

2007-02-14_Preschool-II @ Shovel0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2009-01-11_Kindergartener @ Icy Snon0001.JPG

Dandelions (蒲公英)

2010-02-07_1st Grader @ Snowdrift0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2011-01-26_2nd Grader @ Snow Blanket0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2013-01-26_4th Grader w Toddler Sis @ Blizzard0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2014-02-04_5th Grader w Toddler Sis @ 10-Inch Snow-20001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2015-01-27_6th Grader @ Snowfall-20001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2016-02-10_7th Grader @ Snowbank0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2017-02-09_8th Grader @ Slush-10001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2018-03-03_9th Grader @ Blizzard-10001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2019-02-20_10th Grader @ Snow Crystal0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2021-02-07_The Freshman @ Patio-1M0001.JPG

Dandelions (蒲公英)

2022-01-07_The Sophomore @ Snowfield-10001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2024-01-07_The Jr sledder rejoices as the region gets the its 1st snow of the year0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2024-01-16_A Snow Shoveler Trots along the Back Trail as Snow Falls0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2024-01-19_The Jr @ Snowmageddon0001.JPGDandelions (蒲公英)

2024-01-20_Back to School after the 3rd Snow001.JPG

Dandelions (蒲公英)



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