英语为官语。有他们自己的“二合一”的语言, |
送交者: 梦若飞 2008月08月17日16:20:55 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 记得上照啊,牙买加, 由 林非非 于 2008-08-17 15:52:32 |
Jamaican Creole (Jimiekn/Patwa/Jamaican)
Jamaican Creole or Jamaican Patois is a creole based on English and languages of West and Central Africa. It developed during the 17th century and includes significant influences from various dialects of English, especially those of Scotland and Ireland. Over 4 million people speak Jamaican Creole, most of whom live in Jamaica. There are also many speakers in parts of the USA, Canada, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua and the UK. Jamaican Creole is used mainly as a spoken language, though has been used to some extent as a literary language for over a century. While there is no standard spelling system, increased use of written Jamaican Creole in recent years has led to a partial standardisation. 见 http://www.omniglot.com/writing/jamaican.php |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2006: | 想要回家不容易 (3) (墩体纪实) | |
2006: | 想要回家不容易 (4) (墩体纪实) | |
2005: | 面子出国【3】 | |
2005: | 旧识杂忆--游律(续) | |
2004: | 熟透了的苹果(26,27) | |
2004: | 我为什么成不了基督徒? | |