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送交者: 不老 2008月10月04日12:59:21 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我想别人会迷信法国牌子,所以买了法国货。慌兮兮 于 2008-10-04 12:10:16

(不老注,转自Wiki)Valpolicella is a viticultural zone of the province of Verona, Italy, east of Lake Garda. The hilly agricultural and marble-quarrying region of small holdings north of the Adige is famous for wine production. Valpolicella ranks just after Chianti in total Italian DOC wine production. The wine known as Valpolicella is typically made from three grape varietals: Corvina Veronese, Rondinella, and Molinara. Most Valpolicellas are light, fragrant table wines in flavor. "Valpolicella" appeared in charters of the mid 12th century, combining two valleys previously thought of independently. Its etymology is unknown; it might derive from the Latin for "Valley of Cellars." Valpolicella's economy is heavily based on wine production, which is well known, especially Recioto and Amarone, a strong wine made from dried grapes. The region, colloquially called the "pearl of Verona", has also been a preferred location for rural vacation villas. Seven comuni compose Valpolicella: Pescantina, San Pietro in Cariano, Negrar, Marano di Valpolicella, Fumane, Sant’Ambrogio di Valpolicella and Sant’Anna d’Alfaedo.
  谁写的?中文翻译很一般,句子推敲不够。 /无内容 - 慌兮兮 10/04/08 (149)
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