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送交者: 问题多 2008月10月12日14:54:11 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 酗酒,贪吃,纵欲其实都是一回事,arendt 于 2008-10-12 14:47:16
Greed denotes desire to acquire wealth or possessions beyond the needs of the individual, especially when this accumulation of possession denies others legitimate needs or access to those or other resources. For example, amassing a large collection of seashells would not be considered greed, unless in doing so, the needs of others were jeopardized. Essential to the concept of greed is the awareness that the needs of others are denied, thus rivalrous goods exemplify greed while non-rivalrous goods may not. Greed also often involves using wealth to gain power over others, sometimes by denying others wealth or power.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    超过能力包括了超过所需。  /无内容 - 问题多 10/12/08 (135)
      酗酒已经不限于所需了,连能力都超过了。  /无内容 - 问题多 10/12/08 (129)
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