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punk != hero
送交者: kenn2003 2008月11月19日07:51:47 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 润涛阎: 美国人不可能判吴京华死刑润涛阎 于 2008-11-18 20:54:14
what the hell are you talking about???

yang jia was a punk, and killed innocents; he was illtreated, but did that justify his killing? billions of people in the world are illtreated.

wu jing hua is a hero, and purged three bad person from this society/world; he made a great contribution to the world, and probably at the cost of his own life.

i'm sick tired of any person keeping talking about yang jia, that trivial incident, for months and months;

you stupid moron ass, please shut your stink mouth up!!!!!

what a fxxk!!!
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