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Its all stated in her open
送交者: 大壞人!嘿嘿 2020月03月31日21:02:54 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: what does she specifically neepifu01 於 2020-03-31 20:27:53

letter. According to the attached letter. She wants a global Registry with legislation and UN covenants of the following:

1)Prevent millitary bio techs resaerch and development using medical and civilian labs and persernel as a cover.

2)Define millitary class or grade vs. Civilian & medical class.

3)Define hazard classifications, including  4) global alert class and control porcedures in case of an incident.

5)report & register all labs and porjects

6)provide intellectual property protection

Based on Extinction Rebellion's community group meeting. They want to know is that true, the above mentioned 1 to 5 are not currently exist or available in the bio techs industries.

Are there any sentences in her open letter, describing the gene & virus alteration does not make sense to you?

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