Maps of ISW 05-20-2022 |
送交者: FVCK 2022月05月20日18:53:14 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: Maps 由 FVCK 于 2022-05-20 04:46:10 |
Russian forces are digging in along the Southern Axis in preparation for #Ukrainian counteroffensives. Active offensive operations remain mostly confined to the #Izyum-Donetsk City arc and especially the Popasna-Severodonetsk area. New w/ Russian forces focused on strengthening existing defensive lines and creating secondary defensive lines on the Southern Axis but did not make any confirmed advances on May 20. Russian forces focused on regaining positions taken by #Ukrainian forces. Such efforts are likely spoiling attacks with the intention of either buying Russian forces time to withdraw and redeploy or to reinforce defensive positions. Russian forces reportedly intensified efforts to break through #Ukrainian defenses around #Popasna in order to push towards #Severodonetsk from the south on May 20. |
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