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送交者: FVCK 2022月05月20日20:42:46 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: $1.5m-魚叉-harpoon-range-300kmFVCK 於 2022-05-20 20:07:22

long range anti ship missile. Besides being
extremely stealthy and therefore hard to detect and engage, it will
pioneer tracking and engagement in a GPS denied area. This means it will
passively sniff out enemy ships and it's defenses, autonomously evading
enemy defense and targeting the capital ship inside an enemy's battle
group. This hasn't been done yet and is rightly considered a game

The AGM-158C LRASM (Long Range Anti-Ship Missile) is a stealthy anti-ship cruise missile developed for the United States Air Force and United States Navy by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).[9] The LRASM was intended to pioneer more sophisticated autonomous targeting capabilities than the U.S. Navy's current Harpoon anti-ship missile, which has been in service since 1977.

The Navy was authorized by the Pentagon to put the LRASM into  limited production as an operational weapon in February 2014 as an  urgent capability stop-gap solution to address range and survivability  problems with the Harpoon and to prioritize defeating enemy warships,  which has been neglected since the end of the Cold War but taken on importance with the modernization of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy.

Competitors to Lockheed Martin  protested the decision to award them a contract given the circumstances  of selection and competition for the missile.  The Navy responded by  saying Lockheed's LRASM program was limited in scope, the decision to  move ahead with them was made after an initial DARPA contract award, and  that it was an urgent need to face future threats.

The Navy will hold a competition for the Offensive Anti-Surface  Warfare (OASuW)/Increment 2 anti-ship missile as a follow-on to LRASM to  enter service in 2024.[10] The OASuW Increment 2 competition will be completely open and start by FY 2017.[11] It is expected the LRASM will compete against the joint Kongsberg/Raytheon offering of the Joint Strike Missile (JSM) for air-launch needs and an upgraded Raytheon Tomahawk cruise missile for surface-launch needs.[12]

In August 2015, the missile was officially designated AGM-158C.[13]


Foreign interest

Sweden has publicly expressed interest in the LRASM in response to concerns of Russian actions in Eastern Europe.[56] The United Kingdom, Singapore,  Canada, Australia and Japan have also expressed interest in the missile.[57][58] On 7 February 2020, the US State Department announced it had approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to Australia of up to 200 LRASMs and related equipment for an estimated cost of US$990 million.[59] In July 2020, Australia announced that it was acquiring the LRASM for their F/A-18F Super Hornet fighters.[60]

Harpoon missile:

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