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送交者: pifu01 2022月07月11日13:45:08 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 英國五月份公布的死亡人口,96.7% 是苗了的Joshua 於 2022-07-11 13:40:30

1.Main points

  • Monthly age-standardised mortality rates (ASMRs) for deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) have been consistently lower for all months since September 2021 for people who had received a third dose or booster at least 21 days ago, compared with unvaccinated people and those with just a first or second dose.

  • Breaking the ASMRs down by age group, those aged over 50 years who had received a booster at least 21 days ago had lower ASMRs in all months, compared with unvaccinated people; this has also been the case among younger age groups where rates can be calculated, although trends are now less clear because of lower mortality rates with large confidence intervals.

  • Before March 2022, those who had received a second dose over six months ago had higher monthly ASMRs for deaths involving COVID-19 than those who had received a second dose less than six months ago; this indicates a possible waning protection from vaccination over time.

  • The age-adjusted rates are not equivalent to measures of vaccine effectiveness; they account for differences in age structure and population size, but there may be other differences between the groups (particularly underlying health) that affect mortality rates.

  • Changes in non-COVID-19 mortality by vaccination status are largely driven by the changing composition of the vaccination status groups; this is because of the prioritisation of people who are clinically extremely vulnerable or have underlying health conditions, and differences in timing of vaccination among eligible people.

  • Non-COVID-19 mortality rates can also be affected by seasonal mortality and the healthy vaccinee effect.

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