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送交者: FVCK 2022月12月20日18:14:47 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我發明了新名詞----粗大感冒FVCK 於 2022-12-20 17:38:52


In March 1947, reports appeared about an exchange that Einstein reportedly had with a group of friends at a dinner party:

Professor Albert Einstein was asked by friends at a
recent dinner party what new weapons might be employed in World War III.
Appalled at the implications, he shook his head.

After several minutes of meditation, he said. "I don't know what
weapons might be used in World War III. But there isn't any doubt what
weapons will be used in World War IV."

"And what are those?" a guest asked.

"Stone spears," said Einstein.

Although these reports appear to be more anecdotal than factual, an
account of Einstein saying something similar is reportedly documented in
the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In
1949, Liberal Judaism published an interview entitled "Einstein
at 70" between Einstein and his contemporary Alfred Werner, which
purportedly contains a similar exchange.


In March 1947, reports appeared about an exchange that Einstein reportedly had with a group of friends at a dinner party:

Professor Albert Einstein was asked by friends at a
recent dinner party what new weapons might be employed in World War III.
Appalled at the implications, he shook his head.

After several minutes of meditation, he said. "I don't know what
weapons might be used in World War III. But there isn't any doubt what
weapons will be used in World War IV."

"And what are those?" a guest asked.

"Stone spears," said Einstein.

Although these reports appear to be more anecdotal than factual, an
account of Einstein saying something similar is reportedly documented in
the Albert Einstein Archives at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In
1949, Liberal Judaism published an interview entitled "Einstein
at 70" between Einstein and his contemporary Alfred Werner, which
purportedly contains a similar exchange.

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