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有這個說法 是否靠譜就不是俺能判斷的
送交者: gooddday 2023月04月14日10:29:16 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 聖經里怎麼會有穆罕默德?古蘭經里有耶穌倒是真的Palmoil 於 2023-04-14 10:19:56

Muslim theologians have argued that a number of specific passages within the biblical text can be specifically identified as references to Muhammad, both in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and in the Christian New Testament. Several verses in the Quran,[citation needed] as well as several Hadiths, state that Muhammad is described in the Bible. On the other hand, scholars have generally interpreted these verses as referring to the community of Israel or Yahweh's personal soteriological actions regarding the Israelites or members of the faithful community, such as in the cases of Isaiah 42. The apocryphal Gospel of Barnabas, which explicitly mentions Muhammad, is widely recognized by scholars as a fabrication from the Early Modern Age. Some Muslim theologians also claimed the Paraclete (Greek New Testament) as Muhammad, although scholars identify it with the Holy Spirit.

  真是放GP /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (90)
      紅衛兵,和你們一樣邪教徒。  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (91)
        邪教徒早請示、晚匯報,哪個敢不虔誠敬畏 偉光正前門貓?  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (95)
          不一定,佛早說過, 過了河, 渡船就是累贅需要捨棄  /無內容 - gooddday 04/14/23 (64)
            詭辯術。 不講邏輯,所以就可以肆無忌憚地胡說八道!  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (74)
            無神論油太黑金扶持達賴,是破壞西方傳統基督教文明戰略的一部分  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (95)
              基督文明是不可戰勝的 因為聖者耶穌永存  /無內容 - gooddday 04/14/23 (81)
                我們信三一真神,不信啥“聖者”。邪教最常用的偷梁換柱鳩占雀巢  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (91)
                  佛法勝義諦講的就是這個,諸佛菩薩在究竟意義上是無有分別的 - gooddday 04/14/23 (79)
                    是真的,你那杯里的 就是印度阿差的牛溺!  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (85)
                耶穌基督屬於印度教和佛教因為至今我們中的很多行者還能親眼見他 - gooddday 04/14/23 (89)
        印度阿差的牛剩牛溺,再加達賴喇嘛拉的屎。。敬畏個GS!  /無內容 - a自由人 04/14/23 (103)
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