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送交者: FVCK 2023月05月26日14:10:52 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我完全支持台灣人民自己決定自己命運的權利FVCK 於 2023-05-26 13:14:38

Supernova of the Decade Is Here! Star Just Exploded in Pinwheel Galaxy

A supergiant star exploded as a supernova in the prominent galaxy M101
in Ursa Major. It’s now bright enough to see in a 4.5-inch telescope!

Supernova 2023ixf in M101


Supernova of the Decade Is Here! Star Just Exploded in Pinwheel Galaxy

A supergiant star exploded as a supernova in the prominent galaxy M101
in Ursa Major. It’s now bright enough to see in a 4.5-inch telescope!

Supernova 2023ixf in M101


Supernova of the Decade Is Here! Star Just Exploded in Pinwheel Galaxy

A supergiant star exploded as a supernova in the prominent galaxy M101
in Ursa Major. It’s now bright enough to see in a 4.5-inch telescope!

Supernova 2023ixf in M101





    要是太陽現在就爆發,那可就好玩了,世界省去許多麻煩。  /無內容 - 空行 05/26/23 (76)
      太陽的活動是非常可靠的科學,幾十億年內不會有反常活動。  /無內容 - FVCK 05/27/23 (35)
        應該不會形成黑洞,一般只有藍光星才能到形成黑洞的能量  /無內容 - Palmoil 05/26/23 (41)
          這些騙人的“科學”你們都真的信啊。 笑死我。  /無內容 - 綠野仙人 05/26/23 (60)
            看看好玩就是囉,信與不信無關緊要。  /無內容 - 空行 05/26/23 (45)
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