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Schengen Area
送交者: FVCK 2023月05月27日13:50:11 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 不雅的名字:Flying Blue FVCK 於 2023-05-27 10:04:55

Schengen Area – The World’s Largest Visa Free Zone

Schengen Area
signifies a zone where 27 European countries abolished their internal
borders, for the free and unrestricted movement of people, in harmony
with common rules for controlling external borders and fighting
criminality by strengthening the common judicial system and police

Schengen Area covers most of the EU countries, except Ireland, and the countries that are soon to be part of the Schengen Area: Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus. Although not members of the EU, countries like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are also part of the Schengen zone.


Schengen Area – The World’s Largest Visa Free Zone

Schengen Area
signifies a zone where 27 European countries abolished their internal
borders, for the free and unrestricted movement of people, in harmony
with common rules for controlling external borders and fighting
criminality by strengthening the common judicial system and police

Schengen Area covers most of the EU countries, except Ireland, and the countries that are soon to be part of the Schengen Area: Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus. Although not members of the EU, countries like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are also part of the Schengen zone.


Schengen Area – The World’s Largest Visa Free Zone

Schengen Area
signifies a zone where 27 European countries abolished their internal
borders, for the free and unrestricted movement of people, in harmony
with common rules for controlling external borders and fighting
criminality by strengthening the common judicial system and police

Schengen Area covers most of the EU countries, except Ireland, and the countries that are soon to be part of the Schengen Area: Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus. Although not members of the EU, countries like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are also part of the Schengen zone.


Schengen Area – The World’s Largest Visa Free Zone

Schengen Area
signifies a zone where 27 European countries abolished their internal
borders, for the free and unrestricted movement of people, in harmony
with common rules for controlling external borders and fighting
criminality by strengthening the common judicial system and police

Schengen Area covers most of the EU countries, except Ireland, and the countries that are soon to be part of the Schengen Area: Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus. Although not members of the EU, countries like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are also part of the Schengen zone.


Schengen Area – The World’s Largest Visa Free Zone

Schengen Area
signifies a zone where 27 European countries abolished their internal
borders, for the free and unrestricted movement of people, in harmony
with common rules for controlling external borders and fighting
criminality by strengthening the common judicial system and police

Schengen Area covers most of the EU countries, except Ireland, and the countries that are soon to be part of the Schengen Area: Romania, Bulgaria, and Cyprus. Although not members of the EU, countries like Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Lichtenstein are also part of the Schengen zone.


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