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6-10 News
送交者: FVCK 2023月06月10日03:54:10 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 有些人的确是Clinical moronsFVCK 于 2023-06-07 02:18:30

蒙古加入美国阵营,习包子像是被挖了祖坟!        乌军在扎波罗热推进17公里!


6/10 “We’ve now reached WAR phase. Eye for an eye” – Congressman Biggs

6/10 Earth shattering fed indictment! “Uphill battle for Trump” – NY Post

6/10 Americans more worried about running out of money, than death – Market Watch

6/10 Anarchy in the USA (American society has collapsed) – Daily Mail UK

6/10 27 kids missing in Cleveland (cops have never seen anything like this) – The Sun

6/10 Nazi symbols on Ukraine’s front lnes (Globalists alligned with Nazis) – NYT

6/10 Depositors flee US banks! $472 billion pulled out in 3 months – Daily Hodl

6/10 Lies, Sweet Lies: What Stories Do We Believe? – Mercola

6/10 Big development in Ukraine? – Asia Times

6/10 Move to Miami from NYC : Save $200k/ year – Bloomberg

6/09  Reading the charts from tech to precious metals to the US dollar – TT 

6/09  The End of the World (as we know it)… – BT

6/09  Rickards drops bombshell – DR

6/09  Biden: Americans opposed to radical gender ideology “hysterical and prejudiced.” – Twitter

6/09  Woke marvel eliminates the punisher due to “problematic” conservative fan base – ZH

6/09  Tucker Carlson slams US government over pedophile network scandal – RT

6/09  Middle-income buyers face the most severe housing shortage… – CNN

6/09  Swedish Prime Minister: “massive immigration just doesn’t work”… – SN

6/09  Gold looks decent & silver looks great! – 321Gold

6/09  Washington quiets as Canadian smoke blankets US capital… – Reuters

6/09  Cuba’s spy deal with China has echoes of cold war tensions… – WSJ

6/09  So about Trump’s second indictment… – MT

6/09  Expect awakening in gold amid govt overspending – MS

6/09  Traders aren’t buying the oil deficit story – OP

6/09  Initial Unemployment Claims Surge by 28,000 to a Post-Pandemic High of 261,000 – MT

6/09  Biden was involved in bribery scheme with Ukrainian gas firm – RT

6/09  Former NATO Head: some countries considering troop deployment in Ukraine – LI

6/09  Chart: services no longer required: the fastest-shrinking jobs – Stats

6/09  Debt ceiling? there’s no such thing as “the Debt ceiling” – BT

6/09  You can’t depend on the state to maintain public order… – Mises

6/09  BlackRock: 3 reasons why investors should consider a tactical allocation to gold – Kitco

6/09  Binance.US suspends USD deposits, warns of fiat withdrawal pause… – CT

6/09  Gold’s model calls for crude oil bottom… – 321Gold

6/09  The real-estate market caught in a tangled web of ownership and debt – WSJ

6/09  Song: “Everything’s Gay in June” – YT

6/09  An investing strategy silently making motivated people wealthy… – TT

6/09  Trump: “i have been indicted”… – ZH

6/09  Wildfires spread in Canada’s British Columbia as Quebec stabilizes… – Reuters

6/09  ExxonMobil: new fracking technology can double oil output – Oil Price

6/09  The End of Easy Money: Bankruptcy filings pile up at fastest rate since 2010 – Wolf Street

6/08  Look around and what do you see? social defeat. – OTM

6/08  Cuba to host secret Chinese spy base focusing on US – WSJ

6/08  Silver and the popping of the debt bubble… – HM

6/08  How gold prices could be affected by another rate hike… – CBS

6/08  The End of Easy Money: bankruptcy filings pile up at fastest rate since 2010 – WS

6/08  Gay stats… – IPSOS

6/08  Schrödinger’s War – and Orwell’s… – AE

6/08  Gold demand to drop 9% in 2023 as central banks slow purchases… – Kitco

6/08  Technology is meaningless without entrepreneurship – Mises

6/08  The Starter Home Is No More, Even in Second Tier Markets – MT

6/08  Trump notified that he is the target of ongoing criminal investigation… – Politico

6/08  Interactive: comparing military spend around the world – VC

6/08  Egon von greyerz: gold, cbdcs, derivatives & central banks – Market Sanity

6/08  Bonds Everywhere Suffer as Rate-Hike Fears Swamp Traders
– Yahoo!

6/08  Who are behind the gold and silver buying… – AOTH

6/08  Unlocking the hidden potential – Part 1 – RIA

6/08  Kids fight back against LGBTQ+ indoctrination… – CFP

6/08  The entire euro system faces failure – GM

6/08  Bud light co-sponsoring ‘all ages’ drag party — ‘family festival event’ – BB

6/08  The fed’s inflation fight faces a new challenge: a dry panama canal – GC

6/08  RFK Jr. calls southern border ‘dystopian nightmare’… – NNN

6/08  FBI helps ukraine censor twitter users and obtain their info, including journalists – Mate

6/08  Fox news says Tucker Carlson breached his contract… – Axios

6/08  Charted: Public trust in the Federal Reserve – VC

6/08  China’s State Banks Cut Deposit Rates to Bolster Economy – Yahoo!

6/08  America is headed toward collapse… – Atlantic

6/08  Treasury fortune telling turns real… – DD

6/08  sec action shows why cryptos are not “as good as gold” – GoldCore

6/08  Instagram connects vast pedophile network… – WSJ

6/08  Initial jobless claims surged to highest since oct 2021 – Zero Hedge

6/08  Ukraine launches counteroffensive against Russia – WP

6/08  Prosecutors Tell Trump’s Legal Team He Is a Target of Investigation – NYT

6/08  Mapped: the state of economic freedom in 2023 – Visual Capitalist

6/07  Russian economy returning to growth – RT

6/07  Schiff: abolishing government agencies to restore freedom and prosperity – MS

6/07  Front-Running the fed: how gold & chess-players beat a rigged market – GS

6/07  State dept. to spend $12 million teaching climate change, gender studies in Iraq – RS

6/07  Global growth projected to decelerate from 3.1% in 2022 to 2.1% in 2023 – IW

6/07  Landlords Face a $1.5 Trillion Bill for Interest Only Commercial Mortgages – MT

6/07  Chaos looms over CNN, CEO in question… – Axios

6/07  Market masculinity: the bourgeois ideal of capitalist manhood – Mises

6/07  Visualizing the assets and liabilities of US banks – VC

6/07  Evidence indicates ukraine blew the dam to flood-out russian defenders – HTR

6/07  San Fran: What are older office towers worth in the new era? – WS

6/07  Video: Biden press secretary defends him continually stumbling and falling over… – SN

6/07  Monetary conditions index is working against the Fed – RIA

6/07  Decentralization and bitcoin… – QTR

6/07  Expect high food inflation to continue, especially in Europe… – KWN

6/07  San Fran’s CRE apocalypse: the city’s two biggest hotels have defaulted… – ZH

6/07  WHO adopts European-style CV19 vaccine passports as part of new global digital health certificate – ET

6/07  Tucker’s back! in triumphant return, demolishes Ukraine dam propaganda… – ZH

6/07  Europe might get ready to accept brics currency – WG

6/07  Gold $2025: buyers now can thrive – 321Gold

6/07  Iran claims hypersonic breakthrough – RT

6/07  Gold sees some safe-haven buying as geopolitics comes into play – Kitco

6/07  Gold is where stock market was in early 1980s – Daily Gold

6/07  What central banks giveth they taketh away… – IW

6/07  Ukrainians face homelessness, disease as floodwaters crest from destroyed dam – Reuters

6/07  Breadth not as strong as advance-decline suggests – RIA

6/07  Wave of corporate defaults likely… – BT

6/07  Everything is as it isn’t in the news… – TDD

6/07  $2.2 billion of Binance customer assets at significant risk – CNBC

6/07  Treasury’s $1 trillion debt deluge threatens market calm – WSJ

6/07  Gold and silver prices look vulnerable as seasonal summer weakness kicks in… – Kitco

6/07  The best cities for pickleball players – Axios

6/06  Private Credit is Poised for a Multi-Trillion-Dollar Boom, But It Could Get Ugly Soon – Yahoo!

6/06  US has retrieved craft of ‘non-human origin’ says whistleblower from govt. task force… – ZH

6/06  Bill Clinton straight talk about Putin… – Twitter

6/06  Half of big multinationals plan to cut office space in next three years – FT

6/06  Peterson and RFK Jr. discuss his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential election – MS

6/06  US trade deficits are growing larger. Or are they? – Mises

6/06  California insurance market rattled by withdrawal of major companies… – AP

6/06  Nova Kakhovka dam in Kherson oblast, blown up! – HTR

6/06  An ’embarrassing’ gear shortage has canadian troops in latvia buying their own helmets – CBC

6/06  China establishing ‘commanding lead’ with key military technologies – VOA

6/06  Biggest Junk-Bond ETF Attracts Most Cash Since 2020 as Rally Builds – Yahoo!

6/06  China’s troubles about debt – FT

6/06  Bitcoin drops below $26,000 after sec sues crypto exchange binance – CNBC

6/06  NYT Admits: Journalists are asking Ukrainian soldiers to hide their Nazi patches – ZH

6/06  Gay cringe month… – SN

6/06  Instagram reinstates RFK Jr.’s account – Yahoo!

6/06  Biden appointee calls upon the United Nations to act to secure reparations… – JT

6/06  The 1,921 Room Hilton Union Square Hotel in San Francisco Was Just Abandoned – MT

6/06  Analysis: debt ceiling deal ignores US debt time bomb – Reuters

6/06  Debt ceiling deal prompts Uncle Sam to refill its vast bank account – Axios

6/06  Our merit-based society has been displaced by a diversity-based society – PCR

6/06  Chris Martenson: Fake feds, real consequences – MS

6/06  Yet another month of questionable Federal jobs data as 310,000 fewer people report having jobs – Mises

6/06  Interest-Only loans helped commercial property boom. now they’re coming due. – WSJ

6/06  Repeated covid-19 vaccination weakens immune system: study – ET

6/06  Coinbase crashes after sec sues crypto exchange… – Zero Hedge

6/06  Negative-Yielding Debt Returns to Almost $2 Trillion on BOJ – Yahoo!

6/06  Your guide to “freedom insurance”—the ultimate shield against government overreach – IM

6/06  What happens when the competent opt out? – OTM

6/05  Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History – NYT

6/05  .On the importance of deflation and depressions… – EP

6/05  Atomic Wallet hack losses top $35M… – CT

6/05  ‘It’s pretty horrific but fascinating nonetheless.’ Inside the new wave of atomic tourism – WSJ

6/05  These may be the world’s best warships. And they’re not American… – Yahoo!

6/05  These ancient windmills were built over 1,000 years ago from mud, clay, straw – Epoch ET

6/05  Mini Podcast: Energy prices – Mises

6/05  Suspicious Activity: What are German fighter pilots doing in China? – Spiegel

6/05  Gold revaluation & the hidden motive behind Central Banks’ gold buying – AOTH

6/05  Britain must brace for direct attacks from Russia, warn security experts – E

6/05  Zelensky admits he’s petrified of Trump returning to the white house – DF

6/05  Celebs dodged millions in LA’s ‘mansion tax.’… – MSN

6/05  Bob Moriarty: Banks, hedge funds, & insurance will fail – YT

6/05  US banks prepare for losses in rush for commercial property exit – FT

6/05  Big banks could face 20% boost to capital requirements – WSJ

6/05  Forever in debt: Why US loans are getting longer – Reuters

6/05  Job market still at cruising altitude with some bumps… – WS

6/05  Student loan payments will restart soon. many borrowers aren’t ready – CNBC

6/05  Saudi Arabia to cut oil output by 1M barrels a day in July – AJ

6/05  Cryptocurrency markets’ low volatility: a curse or an opportunity? – CT

6/05  Gold has record number of contracts cash settle to start June delivery – SG

6/05  The debt ceiling “crisis” is over and now US debt will rise from $31T to $50T by 2030… – ZH

6/05  The Fed is insolvent, and that’s a bad thing… – Mises

6/05  The fraying of the liberal international order… – BI

6/05  A multipolar world is emerging – SC

6/05  Turkey’s new finance minister pledges return to ‘rational’ economic policy – FT

6/05  Disney welcomes ‘Gay Days’ in Florida as the feud with DeSantis rages on – MSN

6/04 It’s Been 3 Years. Can You Hear Me Now? – Mercola

6/04 Here’s the link to Hunter Biden’s laptop pics and documents (graphic) – Biden Laptop Media

6/04 The link between Trangendersim and Nazism – Zero Hedge

6/04 US chief diplomat: NO diplomacy – ONLY more war (Globalist warmonger update) – AntiWar.com

6/04 Boycotts hit woke stocks hard (good news) – CNBC

6/04 More Chicago insanity (coming to a neighborhood near you?) – CWB

6/04 Outrageous, graphic video : Chicago men machine gunning crowd – CWB

6/04 Steps to World Rule: First, Destroy Humanity – Off Guardian

6/04 Migrants demand private hotel rooms and better Wi-Fi (London) – RMX News

6/04 Evangelical finance guru Dave Ramsey sued for $150 MILLION – Daily Mail UK

6/04 World’s #1 chess player loses motivation (interesting Sunday read) – Yahoo News

6/04 Never forget! Tiananmen Square Massacre anniversary – BBC

6/04  36 year-old woman marries virtual husband who is powered by AI… – ETH

6/04  Backlash against weaponized dollar is growing across the world – Yahoo!

6/04  Why is China digging 33,000 feet into the earth’s crust? – Zero Hedge

6/04  10 expat-friendly countries where english is widely spoken… – SM

6/04  Doug casey on the bankruptcy of the US government – IM

6/04  The treasury storm of the century is coming – TDD

6/04  Man advertises for wife in US 1830… – CFP

6/04  Banking crisis not accidental: it’s the last leg of the Fed’s master plan warns jekyll author – YT

6/04  HYPERINFLATION: 2.5 million lira for some food at a restaurant in lebanon – MS

6/04  Analysis: risk of US downgrade still on the cards despite debt deal… – Reuters

6/04  Over $1.3 billion of US tax dollars sent to china and Russia – Zero Hedge

6/04  Apple customers say it’s hard to get money out of Goldman Sachs savings accounts – ET

6/04  Alasdair Macleod: Weekly Wrap-up – KWN

6/04  Use of NATO arms for attack in Russia raises doubts about Kyiv’s controls – MSN

6/04  Biden signs debt limit bill, avoiding US default – Reuters

6/04  US munitions stockpile too low to defend in war over Taiwan – RW

6/04  What debt ceiling? – LR



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