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not very clear. see below:
送交者: zuolizi 2008月08月06日16:29:31 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 哪个组织干的?林非非 于 2008-08-06 15:48:08
Jim Scherr, the U.S. Olympic Committee’s chief executive officer, said his organization didn’t ask the cyclists to apologize.

“Those athletes regret that action and have written an apology to BOCOG on their own behalf,” Scherr said. “They now realize and understand how their actions were perceived by the host nation and by the organizing committee.”

Scherr said masks have been issued to national governing bodies that requested them.

“I understand that about 200 of our athletes received those masks through the national governing body, not directly from the U.S. Olympic Committee,” Scherr said. “Hopefully they won’t have to use them.”
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