西岸用心良苦四级Felony怎么成了最轻的罪? |
送交者: Pascal 2019年09月13日19:20:52 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
西岸同志不容易啊 今儿下午劳心费神码了这么老些个字 斗大的美利坚合众国 Class 4 Felony 怎么怎么就 码成了“ 美国最轻的罪,谈不上是重罪 ” 作者:西岸 留言时间:2019-09-13 13:35:29 从你这里的照片上的字来看,felony fourth degree, 这是美国最轻的罪,所以谈不上是重罪。 而且下面一行说是controlled substance,也就是类似 被发现有拥有大麻就算是了,哪怕是自己用的。 这种罪美国人大致有10%的人犯过(被判过),如今在 很多州是没事(加州目前把这种罪的人都放了)。当然, 更多数的人是没有被抓住过,比如克林顿就在公开场合 说过在大学期间吸大麻,如果当时被警察发现,也会是这种罪。 我不止一次被白人朋友问愿不愿意试试大麻,似乎只要是白人, 大概家里都有这东西。如果警察因为什么事情去你家, 发现了大麻,你就是这种罪。 如今在旧金山只需要花280刀,可以参加一个大麻的tour, 带你去不同的大麻店试三四种大麻产品,是合法的。 有兴趣的话,假如你住在一个白人居多的区,试一下所谓的 看你家附近有谁是有案底的网上查询,十有八九你会发现 几乎所有邻居都是有案底。不过一般都不是什么大罪, 多数是年轻的时候使用毒品,美国分罪门槛是很低的, 这是美国按照人口比例监狱里人在世界上最多的原因。 用这种事情打击,类似当年FBI说马丁路德金嫖娼是一回事。 作者:西岸 留言时间:2019-09-13 14:03:23 其实你这篇评论属于没有什么技术含量的,因为显然对美国的 事情不是那么清楚。 我看过此人的节目,大致知道他的政治倾向,但如果你想表明 他的节目具有bias,比较偏向大陆政府的观点,并不是不可以 解释。 他是youtuber,因此是靠点击率生存的。他似乎生活在大陆, 也在美国来往(见过他采访纽约UN的人),能讲流利的中文, 所以估计在中国生活了很多年(不过如今在北京大街上似乎是 个白人就是能讲流利的中文)。那么作为youtube节目,尽管 大陆多数人看不到(其实是不知道怎么使用VPN),但海外的 华人都能看到。 他需要吸引尽可能多的华人或者关心中国的英语环境的人才可能 维持,那么就需要走取悦主流的路线,任何youtuber都是这个 路数。 换句话讲,他认为海外华人主流,或者关心中国事情的使用英语 的人在政治上更倾向于中国政府的观点。 当然不排除他自己也是有这种倾向性,毕竟他可能在中国生活了 很长时间,了解中国社会。 但从另一个角度看这件事,难道不说明海外华人主流的倾向性吗? 一个观点是很难做到没有bias的,因为人们的环境不同,利益 不同,价值观和世界观不同。。。等等,你觉得公正,他人未必 认可。但他的节目也算是提供了一种视角来看与中国有关的问题, 从后面的跟帖来看,很多华人和中国人喜欢他。判断一个事物是 观众自己的事情,要是都是一种声音,岂不是洗脑的概念了, 难道只有中国政府才洗脑? 看一个人的历史并非没有意义,但也要看是否与当前的事情具有 关联。比如港独的几个头面人物黄之峰何韵诗和另一个什么的, 都是当年越南难民的后代,而当年港英政府把他们父母关在难民营 十几年,黄的父亲是香港公开的港独支持者,因此他们现在的行为 和诉求就容易让人联想其家庭与个人的遭遇,作为客观上 stateless的人,希望能有自己的国家是不难理解的。 但也就给如今香港的冲突带来了另外的角度,就是是否是为了 香港人的最大利益? Pascal: " 从你这里的照片上的字来看,felony fourth degree, 这是美国最轻的罪,所以谈不上是重罪。" 1. 下面有关 felony 一词的 英文 定义, 没有一个词、一个字把 felony 辩解成了 轻罪。 请劳心费神码了这么老些字的西岸同志字斟句酌 explain away 解释圆了 —— felony 怎么就演变成了轻罪 ? The term felony originated from English common law (from the French medieval word "félonie"), to describe an offense that resulted in the confiscation of a convicted person's land and goods, to which additional punishments including capital punishment could be added.[1] Other crimes were called misdemeanors. A felony is traditionally considered a crime of high seriousness, whereas a misdemeanor is regarded as less serious.[2] A felon is a person who has committed a felony. Following conviction of a felony in a court of law, a person may be described as a convicted felon. In the United States, where the felony/misdemeanor distinction is still widely applied, the federal government defines a felony as a crime punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one year. If punishable by exactly one year or less, it is classified as a misdemeanor. The classification is based upon a crime's potential sentence, so a crime remains classified as a felony even if a defendant receives a sentence of less than a year of incarceration.[3] Individual states may classify crimes by other factors, such as seriousness or context. felonynounfel·o·ny | ˈfe-lə-nē plural felonies Definition of felony1: an act on the part of a feudal vassal (see VASSAL sense 1) involving the forfeiture of his fee2a: a grave crime formerly differing from a misdemeanor (see MISDEMEANOR sense 1) under English common law by involving forfeiture in addition to any other punishmentb: a grave crime (such as murder or rape) declared to be a felony by the common law or by statute regardless of the punishment actually imposedc: a crime declared a felony by statute because of the punishment imposedd: a crime for which the punishment in federal law may be death or imprisonment for more than one year Felony and misdemeanourCRIME WRITTEN BY: Felony and misdemeanour, in Anglo-American law, classification of criminal offenses according to the seriousness of the crime. U.S. jurisdictions generally distinguish between felonies and misdemeanours. A class of minor offenses that may be described as petty offenses or quasi-crimes is also recognized. These last offenses sometimes are created by local ordinance or by regulatory statute, and the requirement of trial by jury does not apply. In U.S. law the classification of a crime as a felony or as a misdemeanour is ordinarily determined by the penalties attached to the offense. A felony is typically defined as a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of one year or more. Misdemeanours are often defined as offenses punishable only by fines or by short terms of imprisonment in local jails. A consequence of conviction for a felony rather than a misdemeanour is that the offender may lose some civil rights. These vary from state to state, but they usually include the right to own or possess firearms, the right to vote, and the right to hold public office. felony 中文是什么意思名词复数: felonies 用"felony"造句"felony"怎么读中文翻译 |
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