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送交者: 福祿 2017年10月18日06:41:25 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Yes, The Russia Scandal Is Real — And It Involves Hillary Clinton

Investor's Business Daily

Clinton Scandals: For well over a year now, the progressive left in the Democratic Party have tried hard to sell the idea that, a) Russia meddled in our election, and, b) that it was to the detriment of Hillary Clinton. After nearly a year and a half of investigating, neither appears true. What is true, and now documented, is that Hillary Clinton and her family foundation both benefited handsomely from Russian corruption. Citing federal officials and government documents, The Hill details the Russians' nuclear-industry corruption here in the U.S., citing extensive evidence that "Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering

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