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Pifu, I have a friend working
送交者: 大壞人!嘿嘿 2020年03月25日10:26:50 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

for the pharmaceutical comapany. She told me that theorectically there is no such kind of vacine for the virus. And she doesn't see it developed in the forseeanle fuyure. I need your opinion.

  這女人在害你們.你們真的有那麼蠢嗎? - 綠野仙人 03/25/20 (82)
  It will be like a flu vaccine - pifu01 03/25/20 (85)
    I need to know exacly the - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (80)
      I don\'t need your V blowjob. F - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (56)
      I don\'t need your V blowjob. F - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (65)
      嘖嘖,瞧瞧膿那菜英文!哈哈!  /無內容 - vanasian 03/25/20 (68)
        這英語錯誤確實很多,但大壞人不是專業人士,可以原諒  /無內容 - newwild 03/25/20 (67)
          My Engli is better than Trump - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (76)
      our immune system can handle - pifu01 03/25/20 (84)
        嘖嘖,這就是膿教授寫的菜英文!哈哈!  /無內容 - vanasian 03/25/20 (69)
          教授英語不會有這麼多錯誤。可能是筆誤。  /無內容 - newwild 03/25/20 (52)
            Our positions need - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (52)
        Thanks. My understanding is - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (74)
          8 years brain washing does not - 綠野仙人 03/25/20 (75)
          :)) true. 我現在要去實驗室把我們自己的PPE - pifu01 03/25/20 (70)
      I mean besides virus mutation  /無內容 - 大壞人!嘿嘿 03/25/20 (60)
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