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送交者: isleskye 2020年12月07日08:48:44 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Sidney Powell told a judge it's important for the Department of Defense to get access to Georgia's voting machines.

The judge is basically sitting there while she goes through the stack of "expert" testimony that's been introduced in the case. and then the judge comes back to the actual legal questions of standing and why this case belongs in federal court, and he sounds pretty skeptical about all that and says Powell has been "glib" with her claims about binding precedent.

Powell says they have "military intelligence" evidence about interference in the election. Then goes into the totally bogus Fulton County video stuff and mysterious "spikes" in Biden votes. The judge is being pretty quiet.

Ruling from the bench: The judge grants the motion to dismiss the Georgia Kraken.

The judge rules Kraken plaintiffs don't have standing and their claims can't be adjudicated in federal court. They also waited too long to sue - "this suit could have been filed months ago."

The judge also rules that he can't grant the relief the plaintiffs want. He doesn't have the power to decertify an election and won't override the millions of Georgia voters who cast ballots for Biden. 

It's over.

For the record, that's two Krakens slain in a single day, in utterly predictable fashion.

Lawyers currently laughing on the court's livestream.

  法官會允許被告在庭上羞辱原告嗎?這樣的垃圾該清除了  /無內容 - 明君小雪 12/07/20 (61)
    帶只海怪上法庭的垃圾是在自取其辱。  /無內容 - isleskye 12/07/20 (42)
  這個國家的司法系統這麼糟糕嗎?律師在法庭哄堂大笑?  /無內容 - 明君小雪 12/07/20 (63)
    一對紅脖帶了只海怪上新聞發布會上法庭哪有不被恥笑之理?  /無內容 - isleskye 12/07/20 (51)
    法官和法庭都沒了尊嚴允許律師哄堂大笑?  /無內容 - 明君小雪 12/07/20 (60)
      農若帶只海怪上法庭為美國總統打抱不平也會引起鬨笑的  /無內容 - isleskye 12/07/20 (34)
    這些律師騙子不過是藉機敲詐另一個騙子而已!哈哈A  /無內容 - vanasian 12/07/20 (48)
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