請暗夜尋燈網友看以下幾個連接, |
送交者: 冬冬 2012年02月12日20:33:15 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話 |
暫時先給你這幾個連接,你自己也可以上網查詢相關的文章等,先不要喊誰腦殘。 http://www.businessinsider.com/congressional-insider-trading-is-corruption-2011-11
Alleged insider trading by members of Congress, and its taint on the image of that already unpopular institution, continues to gain traction on Capitol Hill. Sen. Joe Lieberman, I- Conn., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Reform Committee, set the goal of Dec. 15 for a committee markup, or drafting session, on a bill to prohibit members of Congress and staffers from using knowledge gained from their jobs to trade in securities or to tip off others. |
實用資訊 | |
一周點擊熱帖 | 更多>> |
一周回復熱帖 |
歷史上的今天:回復熱帖 |
2011: | 深度回譯五味里擦出過火花的飲食男女. | |
2011: | 關於五味那場戰爭, | |
2010: | 出個題目:中國人和猶太人哪個更狡詐? | |
2010: | 拜年拜年!!過年就圖個喜慶熱鬧。 | |
2009: | 各位華僑,有一天中美開戰大家準備往哪 | |
2009: | 靠!這近8000億的刺激方案,只有1000億 | |
2008: | 打倒偽科學! | |
2008: | 想起“鼠不盡”就頭皮發麻 | |
2007: | 談點不同的看法 | |
2007: | 飛吧,足球! | |