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This guy is cool.
送交者: 捉姦人 2013年05月27日05:01:26 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
This guy is cool.
This guy is cool.
國殤日趁天氣好,拍張 SEVENTH REGIMENT NEW YORK 群雕的照片, 拍的時候沒有注意,回家仔細一看,邊上有個童車,放大照片一看, 哦,這個小青年還真是COOL。
這個小青年才是美國的未來, 手持垃圾食品,一把年紀居然還坐在童車裡面,滿臉很牛皮哄哄的神情。
不過這樣的小青年說不定未來從哈佛退學會創辦什麼新機構? 誰也不知道。
The 107th Infantry Memorial is dedicated to the men who served in the 107th New York Infantry Regiment, originally Seventh Regiment of New York, during World War I. The regiment was, as its name implies, stationed in New York, and consisted of males mainly from this region. In 1917, the National Guard's 7th New York Infantry Registry Division. While in France, they saw heavy action, and at the end of the war in November 1918, of the 3,700 men originally in the regiment, 580 men were killed and 1,487 wounded, with four of the regiment's soldiers being awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. The memorial depicts seven men; the one to the far right carrying two Mills bombs, while supporting the wounded soldier next to him. To his right another infantryman (depicting Robert Russell Bennett, a 107 combat veteran who was asked by the artist to model for the statue along with 6 other actual 107 veterans of the Somme) rushes towards the enemy positions, while the helmet less squad leader and another soldier are approaching the enemy with bayonets fixed. To the far left, one soldier is holding a mortally wounded soldier, keeping him on his feet. The bronze memorial was donated by 7th-107th Memorial Committee, and was designed and sculpted by Karl Illava, who served in the 107th IR as a sergeant in World War I. The monument was first conceived about 1920, was made in 1926–1927 and was placed in the park and unveiled in 1927, near the perimeter wall at Fifth Avenue and 67th Street.
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